The Giver packet and book review are due tomorrow morning... It should have been finished already, but those who needed sometime, I told them that they needed to bring it first thing in the morning. Thank you!
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Read chapter 22 and complete the vocabulary page for chapters 21-23..
We are finishing the book tomorrow! Please be sure NOT to forget your book or packet :)
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Bolton Math and Science
Math: Quick Quiz tomorrow on finding the Unit Rate. Today's homework is practice for the quiz. If they can do the handout well, they will have no problem on the quiz.
Monday, December 18, 2017
Friday, December 15, 2017
Hello! With the band/chorus field trip being today, many missed the class activities, so I will just tel you what should be complete by Monday. Thanks
Reading Comprehension question- Comprehension questions from ch 3-18 completed
Vocabulary in Context- Words from ch 1-ch 18 completed
Plot Element Map- All of exposition complete and Rising Action questions answered and 2-3 events that add to Jonas' problem.
They are doing AWESOME! They really seem to enjoy the story and are learning so much! Thank you for your continued support!
Thursday, December 14, 2017
Read chapter 14&15 (shorter chapters)
Answer questions 1-3 for ch 14-16
All questions should be answered for chapters 1-15 (white papers), as well as vocabulary ch 1-15(yellow papers), The plot element map should have the exposition finished and the rising action started (Tan papers). Thank you for your support!
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Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Many students were able to finish after completing their SRI test :)
Read chapter 13 and answer the ch 12-13 questions (white paper)
All question sections up to ch 13 should be completed by now as well.
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
SOCIAL STUDIES (Stewart Science)
Homework: Les. 4 Packet "Glory, War and Decline"
All information is in the packet. But for more detailed explanation- use the book online.
Washington Post article on California Wildfires.
Monday, December 11, 2017
Bolton Math and Science
Math: Period 1 and 2, Problem Set Lesson 14, pp. 60-61 ( Do number 1 only) Don't forget the Double Number Line on p. 61.
Period 4 none, ran out of time.
There will be a quiz on Thursday covering Lessons 1-8 in Ratios Module.
Science: none
Homework is reading chapter 10 and questions 1-3. If they have extra time, it is okay to move ahead, as we will have a lot of reading as we get further in the week. Also on Wednesday we are taking are SRI test on Wednesday so please make sure they get enough sleep and a good breakfast on Tuesday night! Thank you for your continued support!
Thursday, December 7, 2017
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Bolton Math and Science
Science: Density Questions handout (1-5), NOT the questions in the article.
Math: complete 4-6 on the Making Equations from Ratio handout.
Homework tonight is to read chapter 6 of The Giver and answer the questions for chapters 5&6 in the packet (white papers). The reading should not take them more than 20 minutes and the questions should only take about 10 minutes at most. We are highlighting the most important parts of each chapter in class and completing fun hands on activities that help us better grasp what happened in these chapters. Then we dig deeper and get into analyzing the plot and word choice (areas that they need the support on). There will be reading nearly every night, but it is replacing the read for 20 minutes they already have :) Thank you for your support!
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
Today's homework is to read chapter 3 and 4 and answer the reading questions(white paper) for ch 3&4.. It's only 4 questions so it's not as large as it sounds.. we are not answering questions for ch 1&2 because we did it as a class and I know that they understood what was going on already :)
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Note taking on Athens
no homeowrk
Stewart Science
Discussion of Wildfires. Please allow students to watch the news for the latest updates on the wildfire burning in southern California
Monday, December 4, 2017
We are running behind on our book. Very soon books are going home so we can do a lot of the reading at home and that would be their homework :) Tonight, I would like them to complete the vocabulary for chapter 1 and 2 (yellow pages of packet) They already have the first three in their notes, they just have to copy into packet for those ones. Thank you for your continued support!
We are SPARTA!!!!!! (well, sort of)
Homework-questions from the hand out "Lycurgus and Sparta" DUE TUESDAY
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Pick your Grade (Your choice of Sun Safety Worksheets)
Complete (correctly) 5 =A, 4=B, 3=C, 2=D, 1-0=F
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
ELA- Book Review due tomorrow
Today we had a last minute pre-test that we had to complete for the district so we did not get to start The Giver like I had hoped. However, our November Book review is still due tomorrow! Thanks!
Social Studies---Stewart- Science
Social Studies- none
Science- Questions on the OZONE layer and ozone depletion
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
ELA- We are finally starting The Giver! Yay! these past couple days have been focused on understanding what a utopia/dystopia universe is and coming up with our own ideas of a perfect world. Their homework is to complete the graphic organizer on page 54 of their notebook.
Monday, November 27, 2017
Bolton Math and Science
Science: Test tomorrow on Investigation 5. We discuss areas of study in class today.
Math: Problem Set for Lesson 1 of Module 1 (Ratios)
SCIENCE- Stewart
Today we started our unit on interactions between human populations, natural hazards, and the environment.
First up is DUST STORMS- after watching some thrilling footage of the haboob that rolled through Phoenix in July, 2012, we added information to our notebooks.
Homework: complete the questions and word search
In preparation for our end of the year test, we added notes to our notebook on Ancient Egypt.
We are now starting our unit on Ancient Greece. This should take the month of December. In January we will study Ancient Rome.
All of this leading towards GREEK AND ROMAN DAY FEB 2.
Friday, November 17, 2017
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Social Studies
We are watching The Prince of Egypt. (connection to Egypt and the Israelites)
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
This week we are taking a look at what really happened during the thanksgiving of 1621. Today we looked at three articles and pulled out important information about the feast of 1621, the pilgrims and the native Americans. Most finished the activity but those that did not, need to finish it for homework.
Social Studies
Quiz (Ch 6 Les 2) on Thursday
Your child may use their Foldable on the Quiz
Science- We are still doing our EQ Ambassador training. Today we met with Mrs. Evans and Ms, Haehl's class.
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Social Studies
Today we worked on Lesson 2< The Israelite Kingdom.
Some classes watched a short film on David and Goliath.
There will be a quiz over Les. 2 tomorrow.
Monday, November 13, 2017
Bolton Math and Science
Science: none
Math: Review handout for Multiplying and Dividing Whole numbers and decimals.
Social Studies
Students continued to work on the Foldable. It is homework if not completed in class. It will be checked tomorrow (Tuesday).
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Now that we know what the Raven is about, we spent today analyzing the structure and devices used. Their homework is to finish whatever they did not complete in class. (Questions 1-11 on page 51 of their notebook)
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Social Studies
Congratulations to all 6th graders that did so well on the Ancient Egypt Test! I told you studying was a good thing :)
Now we are starting The Israelites (Ch 6) For Lesson 1 we are working on a Foldable (study guide). So far this is in class work.
Monday, November 6, 2017
Bolton Math and Science
Science: none, in class notes and discussion
Math: Periods 1 and 4: none
Period 3: Decimal Division Word Problems Handout due Wednesday.
Today we had our school celebration of being one of the few schools in Arizona to be named an A school! This cut into our ELA time, so my homeroom finished our ELA during Science time at the end of the day.
ELA- We our finishing up our breaking apart of the poem The Raven. We got through most of the questions as a class for each class so most should be done or very close to finished. Whatever they have not completed is homework.
Thursday, November 2, 2017
ELA and Haehl science
ELA- Stanzas 7-11 of the poem on page 50/51 of notebook
Science- no homework
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Today your child was given the study guide for the test on Ancient Egypt.
He/She was given class time to start work on finding the correct answers in the textbook.
Friday is an Early Release Day and we will be having our monthly reward party for responsible behavior.
Monday those students who have COMPLETED the study guide will stay in the classroom to review the correct answers.
Those who are not 100% done, will go outside to complete it.
TEST Tuesday--TEST Tuesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Bolton Math and Science
Math: Complete p. 73 in Module, Lesson 15 (1-10) Decimal Division Practice
Science: none
ELA and Haehl Science
ELA- We are reading The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe and learning the different poetic devices. Their homework for tonight is to reread the poem. They do not need to answer any of the questions tonight, just reading.
Science- No homework
Monday, October 30, 2017
ELA and Haehl science
Today was a make up day for all things today. We had district reading and writing tests to make up, plus work that needed to be completed still from the past couple weeks and then the our end of the month reading activities.
ELA- Book Review for October (Reading Response was due today.)
Science- None
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Bolton Math and Science
Math: Test tomorrow on Division using the standard algorithm (long Division)
Science: Test on The Reason for the Seasons
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Bolton Math and Science
Science: Test on Investigation 3 this Friday.
Math: Handout on Division Practice. 9 problems
ELA and Haehl Science
ELA- Finish 3 paragraph problem/solution essay on page 48 of notebook
Science- Today we started Air Pressure Centers- No homework
Science (Stewart)
Because of homework expectations in Social Studies, Math, and ELA.... today's Science was official deemed a Study Hall!
Today in Periods 1 and 3 we read an article: The Glories of Egypt: The Pyramids and the Sphinx. Students were encouraged to read (and underline) with a watchful eye for facts they felt a teacher would likely want to use as a question. Challenge questions Due Thursday
Period 4. We watched a video about mummies- "Voices of the Dead"- (National Geographic) Students will work on the article on Thursday.
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Bolton Math and Science
Science: Handout on "Beam Spreading"
Math: Periods 1 and 4: 6 practice problems on graph paper.
Period 2: Dividing Whole Numbers Practice Handout with Answer Key
Social Studies
More on Egyptian Gods and Goddesses. Homework due Wednesday.
Stewart Science- no homework. Continue to add to our science notebook.
Monday, October 23, 2017
ELA and Haehl Science
ELA- Homework is to finish their cause and effect paragraph on page 46 of their notebooks.
Science- No homework
Social Studies
Today we started on Les 2 - Life in Ancient Egypt: Pharaohs, Religion, Pyramids, Daily Life
The students were given a hand out The Eye Of Horus. They did a cold read- then on the re-reading, they highlighted the main idea, and underlined the supporting details in each paragraph. Homework: 1-10 Challenge Questions
Friday, October 20, 2017
Thursday, October 19, 2017
Social Studies
In Social Studies, we have begun our study of Ancient Egypt. We have discussed the importance of the Nile River to the ancient Egyptians and have had some fun both translating and writing hieroglyphics.
The students have now come up with a 'wise saying' and are making them into hieroglyphic strips, some of which will be in the hall way in the office next week.
Bolton Math and Science
Math: Test tomorrow, recheck on Topic B content.
Science: Response Sheet handout on Seasons
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Bolton Math and Science
Science: Read "Seasons" article
Math: complete handout of decimal multiplication practice, both sides (word problems and straight practice). 22 total problems, students are working on being more accurate in their calculations.
ELA and Haehl Science
ELA- We have been working on Compare and Contrast characteristics and writing. Their homework is to finish their compare and contrast writing on 5th and 6th grade. It's on page 44 of their notebooks and several finished already..
Science- We have started our unit in air pressure. There is no homework tonight:)
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SOCIAL STUDIES Stewart- Science
Finish Barge- turn in on Thursday
Stewart Science"
Convection Currents
Continued observation of clouds
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Bolton Math and Science
Math: All Periods: Handout on Multiplying Decimals (Do 4, 6, 8, 10 on word problems, Do 1-4 on straight multiplication side)
Science: none
Thursday, October 12, 2017
Bolton Math and Science
Math: All Periods: Test tomorrow on Lesson 9-11, Adding and Subtracting Fractions by converting to Decimals and Multiplication of Decimals.
Science: none
ELA and Haehl Science
We have started learning about informative writing. Yesterday was about what informative writing is and the different ways to write it. Today we looked at descriptive writing and how to write it. Their homework is to complete a descriptive paragraph on what kind of learner they are. This is on page 42 of their notebooks.
Science- We just finished up catastrophic events so there is not homework tonight!
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Bolton Math and Science
Period 1 and 4: handout for Decimal Multiplication (1-6)
Period 3: Partial sheet handout with more practice of decimal multiplication (1-6)
Science: none, some students may need to finish their Earth globe.
Social Studies Stewart- Science
SOCIAL STUDIES- Les. 1 The Nile River. Answers to be written in their Notebook
Science (Stewart) - Questions on Clouds
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Bolton Math and Science
Math: Period 1, complete Problem Set 9 p. 42 (1 a,b,c,d,e and 2 a,b)
Period 3, complete multiplication with decimals practice handout (1-6)
Period 4, none
Science: none.
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Bolton Math and Science
Science: None
Math: Period 1: Fractions to Decimals handout with adding and subtracting.
Period 2, simple fraction to decimal practice handout.
Period 3: Module Problem Set lesson 9.
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
ELA and Haehl Science
ELA- Today we used the story to make inferences about what the author showed us, rather than told us. We will finish this tomorrow and do a writing activity where we try to show instead of tell! The only homework is to read for 20 minutes
Haehl Science- Ms. Evans was here for EQ ambassador training so no homework :)
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
ELA and Haehl Science
ELA- Today we did our October book tasting and checked out our books for this month's independent reading.. I am really trying to get the students to choose books they will enjoy reading but also close to their level. If you notice the book they chose is over their heads a bit please let me know so we can switch it early in the month. They have a menu of activities to choose from each week to help them comprehend what they are reading which is due Monday of each week. I also added an easy tracking sheet in the packet for them to keep track of how much they are reading each day..
Their only homework tonight is to read for 20 minutes and adding to their weekly activity if needed.
Science- we started our catastrophic events centers. There is no homework.
Thank you for your continued support! If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to ask!
Erika Haehl
Arrowhead Elementary
6th grade ELA
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Bolton Math and Science
Science: complete the Daylight Hours Map.
Math: Period 1 and Period 4 none
Period 3, complete the Fractions to Decimals handout
Monday, October 2, 2017
ELA and Haehl Science
Today was a catch up day in both science and ELA. I very rarely will have these days, but because of my absence Friday, it was necessary. If they did not finish the work listed below, they need to complete it tonight as homework! Most were able to complete in class majority of these assignments. Thanks!
- Visual Summary (page 35-36 of notebook)
- Plot Element Summary (Friday)
- Reading Response Packet (They had 3 weeks to complete this)
As always, they should be reading for at least 20 minute
I also started sending home scholastic book club order forms. Please take a look and feel free to order online at, create an account, and place your order using the teacher code RMYV4 or send the order form in with a check and the books filled in on the order form. Thanks so much!
Erika Haehl
Arrowhead Elementary
6th grade ELA
Friday, September 29, 2017
Bolton Math and Science
Math: Period 1 Test on Fraction Division on Monday.
Periods 3 and 4 took test today.
Science: Had Test
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Bolton Math and Science
Math: Period 1, Practice/Review Pages.
Period 3 and 4: Test on Fraction Division
Science: Test 1-2
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Bolton Math and Science
Math: Period 1, complete the Dividing Mixed Numbers handout (1-8)
Period 3 and 4, Complete Lesson 8, page 38 (1-4)
Period 3 and 4, Complete Lesson 8, page 38 (1-4)
Science: Answer the questions from handout, Earth's Atmosphere.
Mesopotamia Lesson 1 The Sumerians Packet
***Complete sentences, spelling counts, no subject pronouns as subject of the answers****
Monday, September 25, 2017
ELA and Haehl Science
ELA- We started looking at the vocabulary for our next story, Fine? by Margaret Haddix. The four words we are looking at and should know the definition of, plus spelling are: technician, reminisce, conscientious, and emphatic. These definitions can be found on page 31 of their reading notebook. Their homework is to complete the sentence starters on page 32 of their notebook using their definitions on page 31.
Science- Today we started focusing on our catastrophic events since we have had so many recently. We built our graphic organizer to help us keep track of the causes and effects of each disaster and then wrote our buring questions that we can spend time answering at the end of each class. There is no homework for tonight :)
Erika Haehl
Arrowhead Elementary
6th grade ELA
Social Studies
We had great success with a mini-quiz over Ch 3 and will be starting our unit on Mesopotamia on Tuesday.
No homework
No homework
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
ELA and Haehl Science
There is no science homework :)
As far as reading, they need to finish their writing reflection. They had plenty of class time, so it should be pretty close to done. They should also be reading for at least 20 minutes each day. They should complete their second reading response question.
Thank you for your continued support! Have a great 4 day weekend!
Erika Haehl
Arrowhead Elementary
Arrowhead Elementary
6th grade ELA
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
ELA and Haehl Science
ELA- Today we graded our test and looked at where our mistakes happened (not reading the question fully, not double checking the answers, not looking in the text, etc) and then started a reflection on what we did well and what we need to work on. If they did not finish their reflection it is homework.
Haehl Science- We finished the last centers for weather and climate. We will be doing an activity to see how climate and weather work. Homework is a worksheet on weather and climate statements.
Thanks for your continued support,
Erika Haehl
Arrowhead Elementary
6th grade ELA
Social Studies Science/Stewart
Neolithic worksheet- Due Wed.
Science (Stewart only)
Notebook check
Quiz on Factors that Influence Climate
Quiz on Weather Patterns
Monday, September 18, 2017
Bolton Math and Science
Math: Period 1 and 4: Handout 15 fraction division problems, Use any method for 1-12; model the last 3 on the back using the Steps for Partitive Thinking from your notebook.
ELA and Haehl Science
ELA- Today we did our "Fears and Phobias" test. So the only homework they have is to read for 20 minutes.
Science- We are completing our centers for weather and climate this week. The homework is to give one statement about Arizona's weather and another statement about Arizona's climate.
Thursday, September 14, 2017
SOCIAL STUDIES/ Stewart Science
The majority of students did very well on the Prehistory test! Those that struggled confirmed that they did not study much before. I hope more than prehistory was learned :)
The next two days we will be watching a video on Prehistoric Man, from The History Channel.
We are working on an addition to our Science notebook: The 6 Climate zones.
The next two days we will be watching a video on Prehistoric Man, from The History Channel.
We are working on an addition to our Science notebook: The 6 Climate zones.
ELA- TEST TOMORROW and Haehl Science
Hello awesome families!
ELA- Today was an fun day of learning about subjective and objective pronouns. Most seem to have grasped it, however there are a few still struggling. If your child is one who can not figure out how to finish their homework, I can help them tomorrow morning at 8:30- They just need to come straight to my class when they come in.. Their homework is page 30 in their notebooks. Also, tomorrow we are starting our "Fears and Phobias" test.
Science- The only homework for today is their city's weather if they have not yet completed it.
Thank you for your continued support,
Erika Haehl
6th grade ELA
Arrowhead Elementary
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
ELA and Haehl Science
ELA- Today we looked at a clip about the way fear works in the brain and pulled out the two main parts that trigger fear and the reaction. Then they wrote a narrative about how fear affects them. They did very well on this assignment.
Science- No homework.. We had EQ Ambassador training today :)
Thanks for your support,
Erika Haehl
Arrowhead Elementary
6th grade ELA
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Bolton Math and Science
Math: Period 1 : complete the six problem practice using the fraction division algorithm.
Periods 3 and 4: Complete Lesson 7 Problem Set.
Science: Read Article "What is in the Air?, Answer the 2 questions in notes and list the elements that make up the air.
Monday, September 11, 2017
ELA and Haehl Science
ELA_ Today we started putting everything we have learned about fears and phobias into a writing assignment. They are to complete a paragraph that tells me the definition, examples, and comparing and contrasting fears and phobias. Their homework is to finish their final draft and edit it
Science- Today we finished our first round centers and talked a little about hurricanes since we have so many live hurricanes. We will continue learning about hurricanes tomorrow. Their only homework is the weather of the city they chose
Erika Haehl
Arrowhead Elementary
6th grade ELA
Bolton Math and Science
Period 4, complete the 6 problem practice in notes, p. 14 in IMN
Science: Finish answering the Hurricane questions from the video and discussion today.
Today we watched a short film and discussed the events that occurred on Sept 11, 2001
The students also worked on the Prehistory worksheet and made study cards. The worksheet is due on Tuesday and the test will be on Wednesday.
Friday, September 8, 2017
ELA and Haehl Science
ELA- We started comparing and contrasting fear and phobias to prepare us for our paper we are going to write Monday. The only homework they have is to read for 20 mins.
Science- No homework.. We did more science centers on weather and climate.
As always if you have any questions feel free to ask. Thank you for your continued support!
Erika Haehl
Arrowhead Elementary
6th grade ELA
Thursday, September 7, 2017
Bolton Math and Science
Period 1: Lesson 4, p. 19 - 21 Exercises 1-5 (model #1 and 2, use the common denominator strategy for the rest)
Period 3: Lesson 4, p. 19 - 21 Exercises 1-5 (model #2, use the common denominator strategy for the rest)
Period 4: Lesson 4, p. 19 - 21 Exercises 1-5 (model #1 and 2, use the common denominator strategy for the rest)
Science: Summarize the procedures your group used for today's investigation along with a revised diagram and summarize your results and conclusion.
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Bolton Math and Science
None. In class notes and examples for Math.
Didn't have Science today.
First Camp Surf Deposit of $75 due by September 15.
ELA and Haehl Science
ELA- We finished yesterdays lesson on cause and effect today. Only homework is to read for 20 minutes..
Science- No homework :) We started or EQ leadership classes with Ms. Evans!
Social Studies
Almost all tests have been graded. If your child earned less than 70% they will be bringing it home for a parent signature.
Today we started taking notes on Early Humans and the Agricultural Revolution.
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Bolton Math and Science
Math and Science: None, in class work.
Picture day is tomorrow. Dress accordingly. Our homeroom is scheduled for 11:30 a.m.
ELA and Haehl Science
ELA- We started talking about cause and effect and the different causes and effects of fear. However we also had library so we touched on it very briefly and did one class example. Their homework is to read for 20 minutes tonight.. We will be starting a program of weekly reading challenges to get them reading more at home. 20 minutes a day has such high impact for such little work.

Science- We looked at how climate and weather are different from each other and how each one is important to know. Their homework is to complete the Venn diagram of how weather and climate are similar and different form each other. They are also to find the weather for their city and record it on page 15 of their notebook.
Thanks for your continued support! Here's to a great week!
Erika Haehl
Arrowhead Elementry
6th grade ELA
If your child did not complete the test- they must finish it tonight at home and bring it to school.
Stewart Science
Today we discussed the different kinds of weather fronts and added a map with symbols to our Science notebook.
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Today in Social Studies we began work on the end of the chapter assessment. This is a series of multiple choice, matching and fill in the blank questions. It is an OPEN BOOK test as the students are required to put the page number of where they found the answer. One purpose of this assessment is to reinforce the concept of backing up your answers with proof. This concept can be hard for some (especially when they just 'know' the right answer :) but the correct page number is required to receive full credit for the answer. We will continue with this testing tomorrow in class.
Stewart- Science
We are continuing with our look at weather extremes. Today we watched a video and they have an article to read and respond to Due tomorrow.
Stewart- Science
We are continuing with our look at weather extremes. Today we watched a video and they have an article to read and respond to Due tomorrow.
ELA and Haehl Science
Hello families!
ELA- We started going over text features today! We looked at headings, subheadings, and sidebars along with a few others. The students homework is to finish writing side bars on the article. A side bar is something that adds to the facts given that have to do with the main idea. I asked them to write a 3 bullet point summary on the most important facts of each section for the sidebars. They are to finish the sidebars for the remaining sections for homework. This is found on page 20 of their notebook.
Science- Your kiddos are so smart! I am noticing that the things I am teaching they already learned and are awesome readers. They don't understand the pressure it is sometimes to be up there and get a word and completely blank-yikes! However they saved the day :) So we will continue to look at weather but I am going to challenge them a bit with centers and activities that pushes their knowledge and see how that goes. Their homework is to record the weather of their city into their notebooks! Thanks for your support!
Remember no homework tomorrow for ELA or Haehl's science
Thanks for your continued support,
Erika Haehl
Arrowhead Elementary
6th grade ELA
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Bolton Math and Science
Math: in class work
Science: Draw diagram or model of syringe exploration. Show what your think happens to the air molecules when the closed syringe was pushed in and then let go?
ELA and Haehl Science
Hi families,
I am sure your kids already told you that I was out sick the past two days so they didn't have too much homework. I am for the most part much better but still in quite a bit of pain in my back, so I am sitting a lot.
However they are still doing a fabulous job of following expectations :)
ELA Homework:
Finish drawing pictures of each word on pg 18 of ISN (notebook)
Choose a city outside of AZ and find the weather forecast for their chosen city. Record on Pg 13 of ISN (notebook)
As always, if you have questions feel free to ask! Thank you for your continued support!
Erika Haehl
Arrowhead Elementary
6th grade ELA
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Bolton Math and Science
Math: None today.
Science: Think about question "What is Air?" and answer in your own words in notebook for tomorrow.
Social Studies
The students are working on a vocabulary packet for Ch 1: What Does a Historian Do?
Not homework at this point.
Monday, August 28, 2017
Friday, August 25, 2017
Geography Packet- DUE Tuesday
definitions for all
colored pictures for the boxes
Create-a-Continent- DUE Tuesday
Must be turned in on Final Draft paper
Rubric must accompany continent
Students will have all class period on Monday to work on these projects
Thursday, August 24, 2017
ELA and Haehl Science
Hello! We almost made it through the third week already! I hope this week has been as great as ours has. Just a reminder, tomorrow is a half day, ending at 12:05!
ELA- We started taking a look at how to analyze a story and look at why the author chose as he did. There was not any homework today other than catch up. However I will be collecting notebooks tomorrow to grade their writing from Wednesday. We also have a test tomorrow about The Ravine.
Science- We have started our Weather and Water unit! This a fully hands on curriculum that puts science in their hands. Today was interesting. We are going to come back to it tomorrow and see if we can figure out the confusion. There was not any homework tonight. Just a quick FYI< students will be choosing a different city/country/state to look at their weather nightly and update the class on. A good website to look at for this information is It includes most if not all the information they will need.
Tomorrow is Friday so there will not be any homework!
Thanks for being great! Have a great weekend!
Erika Haehl
Arrowhead Elementary
6th grade ELA
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Bolton Math and Science
Math: Module 2, Lesson 2, Exit Ticket (2 questions)
Science: none, in class work
Lesson 2- How Does a Historian Work? worksheet due Thursday
You will need a book to complete this (either the textbook or the online version)
To find directions to the online book go to the link on the top of this page
"SS and ELA Online Editions"
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Stewart- Social Studies/ Science
Social Studies= No Homework.... however, the geography terms packet will be due soon. Your child should be on page three.... AT LEAST!!!!
Science- No homework. We started Weather and watched a video about the difference between Weather and Climate.
Science- No homework. We started Weather and watched a video about the difference between Weather and Climate.
And the winner is.......
Ms. Haehl... for most consistent use of our homework website!! Way to go, Ms. H!
I apologize for not getting going on this. When no homework is given I forget to enter any information at all. In Social Studies we have been busy with our Geography Terms (Land forms) packet. Today we are going to go over a worksheet that is an introduction to What a Historian Does. Next week we will begin our Pre-History unit.
In Stewart Science we have worked on Dependent and Independent Variables and will be starting on our major question of the Fall semester: What is Weather? We will explore different instruments that meteorologists use and some of the why and how weather and climate affect our lives.
Thank you for checking in.
I apologize for not getting going on this. When no homework is given I forget to enter any information at all. In Social Studies we have been busy with our Geography Terms (Land forms) packet. Today we are going to go over a worksheet that is an introduction to What a Historian Does. Next week we will begin our Pre-History unit.
In Stewart Science we have worked on Dependent and Independent Variables and will be starting on our major question of the Fall semester: What is Weather? We will explore different instruments that meteorologists use and some of the why and how weather and climate affect our lives.
Thank you for checking in.
Monday, August 21, 2017
ELA and Haehl Science
ELA- Today we did a second read of The Ravine and completed a plot element map as we read. Whatever they didn't finish of the plot element map was the homework they needed to complete. If they checked out a book, please remind them to return them tomorrow. Thanks!
Haehl science: We finished our paper column experiment. If they didn't finish their conclusion, they need to complete it as homework.
Homeroom: I also passed out a student/parent/teacher/admin compact that outlines what is expected from each party. Please read over and sign. Thank you!
Erika Haehl
6th grade ELA
Friday, August 18, 2017
Haehl Update
Today did not go as planned.. Not as much got done as I had hoped... So as far as notebook check on Monday, I will be checking pages 7-11. They need to be complete.
Homeroom- We ran out of time with our science project so we did not get to passing out all of the needed papers. I will get those to them on Monday. I am sorry for the confusion!
Erika Haehl
6th grade ELA
Arrowhead Elementary
ELA and Haehl's Science
I am so sorry for the delay in sharing yesterday's homework! We had an awesome curriculum night full of information for our wonderful parents. If you were unable to attend we will be sending home a few things today that you will want to get from your student, so please ask them about those! If you have any questions about any of the things we send home, please feel free to ask.
Yesterday, there was not any homework for ELA or Haehl's science since we finished it in class and we had curriculum night, which made for a late evening already.
There is no homework tonight either unless they need to make up work from this week. I will be doing notebook checks on Monday. This is a grade. They should have pages 7-12 complete by then (both ELA and Science for Haehl's homeroom). Most of this has been done in class so if they were here everyday, it should be done or close to done already :)
Next week we will be continuing with The Ravine, taking a deeper look into the plot development and how the plot effects the character's development. In science, we will be jumping into the "Weather and Water" FOSS kit which explores the why and how behind water. This unit will continue throughout the semester.
As always, if you have any questions, feel free to ask!
Thank you and have a fantastic weekend!
Ms. Haehl
6th grade ELA
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Bolton Math and Science
Math: Period 1: One problem with correct Model (6/7 divided by 3)
Period 2: Complete Problem Set 1 (#1B, 2A, 4, and 5) with Models
Period 4: none, done in class.
Science: none
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Bolton Math and Science
Math: period 1 and 4: Problem Set 1 ( do #1B, #2A, #4 and #5) Models should show the understanding of the division problem. Use notes as examples.
Period 3, none, will do in class tomorrow.
Science: Complete the Scientific Method handout.
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Bolton Math and Science
Math: none. In all classes we began lesson 1, working on an understanding of Division of Fractions with modeling.
Science: none: In class we began discussion of the Scientific Method.
ELA Homework- No science homework for Haehl HR
Today we previewed and then started reading the story The Ravine. They asked 3 questions about the story before we read, and as we read they were to be answering the questions we asked. We did not have enough time to check out questions after reading one of the pages. So they are to review the questions they wrote and see if they can answer any of their questions. They may not be able to answer all of them since we did not finish the story yet.
Tomorrow we have RI pre-testing to find out their lexile levels. Therefore there will not be homework tomorrow for ELA class.
Thanks for your continued support,
Miss Haehl
6th grade ELA teacher
Monday, August 14, 2017
Sunday, August 13, 2017
First week
What a great first week we have had! On the first three days of school your children helped the kindergartners and first graders at lunch. They were wonderful role models and Ambassadors.
In Social Studies we worked on Latitude and Longitude and began a packet of geography terms. On Friday they took a pre-test of material we will cover in 6th grade. It will be awesome to see how much they will have learned by May!
Thursday night is Curriculum Night. Look for flyers to come home. We will meet in the cafeteria for ice cream at 5pm, then proceed to a parent meeting regarding our new Title 1 status, afterwards all three teachers will discuss our 6th grade curriculum. We will end the night with an overview of our annual trip to Camp Surf in April.
Thank you for sharing your children with us this year. See you on Thursday!!
In Social Studies we worked on Latitude and Longitude and began a packet of geography terms. On Friday they took a pre-test of material we will cover in 6th grade. It will be awesome to see how much they will have learned by May!
Thursday night is Curriculum Night. Look for flyers to come home. We will meet in the cafeteria for ice cream at 5pm, then proceed to a parent meeting regarding our new Title 1 status, afterwards all three teachers will discuss our 6th grade curriculum. We will end the night with an overview of our annual trip to Camp Surf in April.
Thank you for sharing your children with us this year. See you on Thursday!!
Friday, August 11, 2017
Ms. Haehl's Reading and homeroom homework due today
This is what's due today.
All Reading classes: Finish numbering reading notebook. If they did not turn in their contract or banner yesterday, that also needs to be turned in.
Homeroom: Completed Final draft of letter w/ character. If the forms they received Monday are not yet turned in, they need to be turned in as well.
There will rarely if ever be homework on a Friday from me. There is not any homework this weekend unless they owe an assignment from earlier this week still.
Thanks for a fantastic first week! I am so excited for this school year! Keep up the good work!
Miss Haehl
Thursday, August 10, 2017
Bolton Homeroom
School Papers are due tomorrow. Also, try to get in the Parent Signature page from the 6th grade First Days packet. Students should finish up their Letters to Future Self paper with Caricature for tomorrow.
We are looking for parents interested in being a chaperon for Camp Surf. Blue papers were sent home this week regarding this. We may be in need of many male chaperons.
Please Consider Going.
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Ms. Haehl's ELA and Homeroom
Good afternoon! Hope the first half of you week went as well as ours did :) Students should have recorded their homework in their agenda's.
All ELA classes:
Review the class procedures with your parent/student. Then sign and return tomorrow.
Completed get to know you banner
Homeroom only:
Completed rough draft of Future Self letter
Thanks for your continued support!
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
Social Studies and Stewart Homeroom
Social Studies: Identify the continents worksheet
Stewart Homeroom; All About Me Poster
Stewart Homeroom; All About Me Poster
Monday, August 7, 2017
Ms. Haehl's Homeroom
Welcome to a new school year! Today was a GREAT day I am so happy to be your student's teacher. In my homeroom we went over some of the rules and procedures, did a few get to know you games, and learned more about Ms. Haehl. We had art today which the students enjoyed, tomorrow is PE (Bring tennis shoes).
I sent home a grade level welcome packet. Please review with students and then fill out, sign and return the last page. The rest of it is yours to keep for reference. I also sent home a packet that shows what information we currently have for your contact information. Please review and ensure that the information is correct. If there are any issues please follow the directions on the red sheet to rectify.
I also encouraged them to read for at least 20 minutes each day.
Thank you so much for your support and trust. Can't wait to see all of their smiling faces tomorrow! Have a great night :)
Miss Erika Haehl
6th grade ELA
Arrowhead Elementary
Bolton Homeroom
Students were given a School Packet (Due Friday) and a Class packet (due Aug 16) Please read through and sign where needed and return.
Friday, August 4, 2017
Welcome Back
Welcome back to a brand new year. Our first full day is Monday, August 7, 2017. Our school start times are; first bell at 8:30 for release to the field, first school start bell will be 8:40 a.m., and school begins promptly at 8:45 a.m.
Mr. Bolton, your Math teacher, Ms. Haehl, your ELA teacher, and Mrs. Stewart, your Social Studies teacher, are all excited to see you back for a brand new year. All teachers will be teaching Science to their own homeroom class.
We look forward to the adventurous new schedule we have for this year and hope you're excited about it, too.
Come WILLING and CURIOUS to learn!
The 6th Grade Team
Mr. Bolton, your Math teacher, Ms. Haehl, your ELA teacher, and Mrs. Stewart, your Social Studies teacher, are all excited to see you back for a brand new year. All teachers will be teaching Science to their own homeroom class.
We look forward to the adventurous new schedule we have for this year and hope you're excited about it, too.
Come WILLING and CURIOUS to learn!
The 6th Grade Team
Monday, May 15, 2017
ABC Book due at the end of class on Tuesday. This counts as a test grade-showing vocabulary and comprehension knowledge.
No extensions, no extra time given.. .it is the end of the year and grades are due!
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Bolton Math and ELA
Math: Period 1: complete Mean Absolute Deviation Practice handout
Period 2 none.
ELA: Period 4 and 5 complete the Clarihew poem
Monday, May 8, 2017
Stewart- ELA
Due Tuesday
Cinquain Poem
(Illustrated and rough drafts in the back of the book)
Table of Contents up to date
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Social Studies
All three classes.... We are starting our ABC Books. (Classwork- not homework)
ELA (Stewart) - continue to work on the poetry forms.
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
Bolton Math and ELA
ELA: Period 4, complete Acrostic poem
Period 5, complete Acrostic poem with a complete logical phrase or sentence.
Math: Period 1 Test tomorrow on Topic A of Module 6, covering lessons 1-4, also needed to complete lesson 6 problem set (#1B and 4B)
Period 2: none.
Period 1 Social Studies-- 17-4 (with page numbers)
Scope Magazine Lazy Editor
Poetry Book- 2 poems
Monday, May 1, 2017
Bolton Math and ELA
Math: Period 1, none, but Test on Wednesday for Lessons 1-4
Period 2, Test tomorrow on Lessons 1-4
ELA: Period 4, complete 3 Diamante poems.
Period 5, Complete Acrostic poem of your name.
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Poster on assigned religion and
Chart on the 5 Major Religions
DUE Wednesday
(the chart will be counted as a test grade)
Monday, April 24, 2017
Camp Journal DUE TUESDAY
Social Studies- Poster and 5 Religion Chart DUE Wednesday
Peck's Class- Tijuana Estuary Questions DUE Tuesday
Reading Inventory tomorrow (on computer)
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Bolton Math and ELA
Math: none, completing District Benchmarks
ELA: complete Figurative Language Practice Worksheet 1. (We did #1-4 together, students do #5-10)
Monday, April 10, 2017
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
Bolton ELA and Math
We are testing Reading and Math with AZMerit over the next two days.
Reading Part 1 and Math Part 1 on Wednesday
Reading Part 2 and Math Part 2 on Thursday
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Bolton ELA and Math
AZ Merit testing begins tomorrow. We have the Writing Portion to start with. Please make sure your child has had a good breakfast for an energized mind.
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Bolton ELA and Math
Math: Period 1: Mean Absolute Deviation Practice (See Kahn Academy Mean Absolute Deviation
Period 2: none
ELA: Period 4: Possessive Pronouns handout
Period 5: Pronoun Ninja Practice handout
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Bolton ELA and Math
Math: Handout on Mean, Median and Mode practice.
ELA: Period 4, handout on Pronouns. Period 5 none.
Pack Math/Science
Math: The students reviewed concepts for AZMerit and learned how to calculate interquartile range in statistics.
Homework: Statistics Packet page 185 Questions 5-8
Science: The students discovered through experimentation and microscopes how water travels up from the root into the stem and out the leaves.
Homework: Complete the conclusion of your celery investigation lab. These are due tomorrow!
**If you have a balance due for Camp surf, please pay this as soon as possible.
Monday, March 27, 2017
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Peck Math/Science
Math: The students worked on creating expressions based on a table or chart
Homework: Problem Set Questions for Lesson 19
Science: The students reviewed the function of roots and primary structures found in a root.
Homework: Finish answering the questions from the reading, "Seeds and Roots". Prepare for the test on Investigation 5.
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Bolton ELA and Math
Math: Test tomorrow on Geometry: Surface Area and Nets and Coordinate Plane, Plotting Points And Distance Between Points. Study Geo Packet with Study Guide Outline.
ELA: Reviewing Pronouns in Class.
Monday, March 13, 2017
Peck Math/Science
Math: The students completed the skills under Module 4 Topic D and worked on an in-class assignment.
Homework: Complete the Topic D questions
Science: The students discussed the functions of roots and why they grow first on a young plant.
Homework: Finish the Response Sheet, "Seeds of Life" and the questions from the video "Secret Garden".
**Camp Surf Balances are DUE!**
Early Christianity (Ch 13 Lesson 1)
Questions 1-7
Due Tuesday
(You can find directions for accessing the book online on this page. Click on SS and ELA Online Editions)
Thursday, March 9, 2017
Social Studies
Chapter Review p. 367 1-10
Due Friday
Chapter 15
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Bolton Math and ELA
Math: Period 1, Handout on Surface area plus pp. 158-160 in Geometry Packet.
Period 2: Just handout on Surface Area
ELA: Period 4, complete Descriptive Paragraph.
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Bolton ELA and Math
Math: Test for Mid Module 4 tomorrow (Expressions and Equations)
ELA: Period 4, complete handout on Literary Elements of "Into the Maze of Doom"
Period 5: none
Social Studies- Period 1 only. p. 357 1-4
ELA- 3 characters from Percy Jackson
Monday, March 6, 2017
Bolton ELA and Math
Math: Period 1, Study Guide for Mid Module Test on Wed., plus some students have a Volume handout for Geometry to do to make up for their Test today.
Period 2, Study Guide for Mid Module.
ELA: Period 4, none, in class work on Word Choice and the Thesaurus.
Period 5 none
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Bolton Math and ELA
Math: Period 1, none
Period 2, Writing Expressions handout plus Volume practice handout.
ELA: Make sure and complete yesterdays homework. Many, Many students in both periods did not complete the handout from Monday.
Monday, February 27, 2017
Bolton ELA and Math
ELA: Handout for Elements of a Story, definitions and Elements for the story "Into the Maze of Doom".
Math: Period 1, handout for Volume (1-6 word problems)
Period 2, Lesson 16 Problem Set.
Peck Math/Science
Math: The students learned how to calculate distance when given points on a coordinate plane.
Homework: Lesson 18 Problem Set
Science: The students are completing a packet using all of their resources from Investigation 4
Homework: Packet is due tomorrow. There is a test tomorrow as well! Study your Bubble Map comparing a Prokaryote and Eukaryote cell. Also study the Ribbon of Life Foss papers in your binder! Finally, know the organelles we labeled on the cell!!
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Peck Math/Science
Math: The students learned how to identify reflections across the X and Y axis on a coordinate grid.
Homework: Lesson 16 Problem Set
Science: We reviewed the cell organelles and their functions.
Homework: Continue to plan and work on your Cell Model Project which is due
Friday March 3rd!
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Peck Math/Science
Math: The students identified the 4 Quadrants on a coordinate grid and graphed ordered pairs.
Homework: Problem Set 15
Science: The students reviewed cell organelle structures and functions
Homework: Read the article "Cells: The Basic Unit of Life" and answer the Think Questions
**Be sure your Greek and Roman Day costumes are ready for Friday!
Friday, February 17, 2017
Bolton Math and ELA
ELA: Read "Into the Maze of Doom" from Scholastic Scope. We will be reading together also next week.
Math: Make up test on Area of Figures on Wednesday of next week. Also, Test covering Topic D (Lessons 9-14) from Module 4, probably Thursday.
Greek and Roman Day is on Friday, Feb. 24 next week. Students should be getting their costumes ready.
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Bolton ELA and Math
ELA: Complete Vocabulary handout for introduction to "Maze of Doom" story.
Math: Complete Geometry Area Practice Handout.
Monday, February 13, 2017
ELA- Stewart
Read Ch 10 Percy Jackson
**Cause and Effect worksheet
**Comprehension Questions
Due Tuesday
Thursday, February 9, 2017
Bolton Math and ELA
Math: Period 1: Division of Fractions Round 1 Practice paper from first page of Lesson 2. Also, Area Practice handout (1-12)
Period 2, none
ELA: complete handout on Subject Verb Agreement, continue reading book project book.
Peck Math/Science
Math: The students learned how to identify Absolute Value.
Homework: Lesson 11 Problem Set - EVENS ONLY!
Science: The students reviewed how to communicate Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning. We read an article on how sea urchins are helping to restore coral reefs.
Homework: Answer the 4 questions regarding claim, evidence, and reasoning
**There are still many students who need to bring in $10 donations for the Greek and Roman Day lunch!!**
Monday, February 6, 2017
Bolton ELA and Math
Math: Make corrections on Area Test from Friday.
ELA: Complete Final Draft of Wild Animal Argument Essay
Peck Math/Science
Math: The students practiced putting positive and negative rational numbers in order from least to greatest
Homework: Lesson 8 Problem Set
Science: The students identified microscopic organisms in their mini-ponds and began working on a reading "The Lowly Paramecium".
Homework: Finish the Think Questions at the end of the article. Be ready for the Investigation 3 Test tomorrow!
I still need to collect $10 donations for Greek and Roman Day!
Thursday, February 2, 2017
Math and ELA
Math: Quiz on Area of Triangles, Parallelograms and Irregular Figures, both Periods.
Math: Period 1: Handout on Area of Parallelograms Practice
Period 2: Handout on Volume of Rectangular Prisms Practice
ELA: none
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
Peck Math/Science
Math: The students are learning about integers and rational numbers on a number line
Homework: Lesson 6 Problem Set Questions
Science: The students are learning the difference between single-celled and multi-cellular organisms
Homework: Finish the Response Sheet FOSS page 19 if you did not finish in class!
**I am asking for $10 Greek and Roman Day donations along with any parent help that is possible! A note went home last Friday.**
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Bolton ELA and Math
Math: Handout on Triangle Area and Test tomorrow on Lesson 7-8 (Topic C)
ELA: none other than make sure your rough draft of the Wild Animals as Pets Argument Essay is complete.
Monday, January 30, 2017
Bolton ELA and Math
Math: Period 1 none.
Period 2, Geometry Packet pp. 144 - 147
ELA: Rough Draft of Wild Animals as Pets Argument Essay should be completed. Tomorrow we will be completing the District Argument Writing Assessment.
Thursday, January 26, 2017
Bolton ELA and Math
Math: Period 1: Test tomorrow covering lessons 5-6 from Mod. 4, Also, students should complete Problem set for Les. 7 and Geometry packet pages 144-147 (Area)
Period 2, none.
ELA: District Reading Test tomorrow.
Peck Math/Science
Math: The students completed the Module 3 Pretest and began working in Lessons 1 and 2 in Module 3
Homework: Module 3 Lesson 2 Problem Set
Science: The students reviewed the investigation goals learned in Investigation 2.
Homework: Study for tomorrow's Investigation 2 Quiz - Know your microscope parts!
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Bolton ELA and Math
Math: Period 1, Order of Operations Handout 2, Test on Lesson 5 and 6 on Friday.
Period 2, Test on Lesson 5 and 6 Tomorrow, Geometry handout on Area of Irregular Shapes.
ELA: Quiz tomorrow on vocabulary words. Complete rough draft of Argument Essay.
Brian Bolton
Arrowhead Elementary, DVUSD
Sixth Grade
Peck Math/Science
Math: The students completed the Module 1 Post test today.
Homework: Some of the students have "Correct and Return" Tests. These are due by Monday January 30th and do require a parent signature. Please ask your child about the test!
Science: The students viewed Brine Shrimp under the microscope to discover evidence for life.
Homework: Microscope Quiz on Friday!
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Bolton ELA and Math
Math: handout for Order of Operations practice. There will be a test on Thursday or Friday on Topic B which covers lessons 5 and 6 of Module 4 (Expressions and Equations)
ELA: Work on completing the Argument Essay Rough Draft. There will be a quiz on the vocabulary words from pp. 223-228 in text on Thursday. Students have the 12 words in their ELA notebook (Vocabulary section)
Monday, January 23, 2017
Bolton ELA and Math
Math: Period 1: Problem set for Lesson 6 and Geometry Area handout.
Period 2: Prob set for Lesson 6.
ELA: Complete Paragraph 1 and at least 2nd paragraph of argument essay.
Peck Math/Science
Math: The students reviewed skills learned in Module 1. We have a test tomorrow on Module 1 - Ratios, Rates, and Percent.
Homework: Be ready for the test tomorrow!
Science: The students learned how to calculate the size of the field of view and how to estimate the size of an image.
Homework: None
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Bolton ELA and Math
Math: none, entered answers for District Benchmark for Q2.
ELA: Brainstorm reasons for your claim on the topic of Wild Animals as Pets.
Peck Math/Science
Math: The students completed the Topic D Test on Percents. We will be reviewing for the End of Module assessment.
Homework: None
Science: The students completed the Investigation 1 Assessment. They also identified the main parts of the microscope.
Homework: None
**Camp Surf payments are due!
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Bolton Math and ELA
Math: none
ELA: Complete Argument Organizer for analysis of sample argument essay
Peck Math/Science
Math: The students continued to solve percent problems
Homework: Lesson 29 Problem Set
Science: The students reviewed the Characteristics of Life and the differences between Living, Non-Living, Dead, and Dormant. Study for the test Thursday!
**Return your Report Card Envelopes
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Peck Math/Science
Math: The students worked on solving word problems involving percent.
Homework: Problem Set 28
Science: The students identified materials and classified them as living, nonliving, dead, or dormant
Homework: Read the article, "Life on Earth" and answer the Think Questions.
**Investigation 1 Test on Thursday!
**Please return: Report Card Envelopes, Behavior Corner slip, and Scoliosis Screening Form!
ELA- Stewart
Context Clues- using a source- define the words you got wrong
Percy Jackson- Read Ch 3. Questions/vocab BOTH ch 2 and 3 are due Wednesday
Friday, January 13, 2017
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Bolton Math and ELA
Math: None, we have been covering the first few lessons of Expressions and Equations. There will be a quiz this Friday on the first 4 lessons.
ELA: Center activities.
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Social Studies
Period 1 and 4
The Great Gods (crossword puzzle) Due Wednesday
Period 2- The Great Gods... due at the end of class Wednesday)
Monday, January 9, 2017
Social Studies and Stewart ELA
SStudies--Read p 212-218 (ch 8)
ELA- Read Ch 1 of Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief
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