Wednesday, January 17, 2018


Hello! I can't believe how long it has been since I last posted! I hope everyone had a great break! As I am sure you have heard, we have a class set of chrome books in our ELA classroom! Mrs. Hunt worked so hard to make sure we put technology in the hands of our students. So yay! That being said, like all new things there is always a learning curve! We have been using the chrome books daily since they have returned and have been working so hard to learn and figure out not only the computer but the content we are learning! However, things are taking longer as can be expected and that means they may come home with some homework outside of reading for 20 minutes for these next few weeks as we continue to learn. There will always be a paper based copy for them to finish on if they do not have technology (phones will work) to complete on the Google drive. So if they need to work at home on their Google drive, they need to go to Google drive or download it onto phones, add a new account and login to their school account.
lunch number
If they cannot figure it out, have them bring their technology (computer, chrome book, tablet, or phone) to me before or after school and I can show them and help them favorite it, so it is just a click away :)

Tonight: We need to have finished finding the gist and underlining unknown words from the article "Shrouded in Myth" - slide 4-6 on Google drive. (Except for Haehl's homeroom)
Thank you!