Friday, September 29, 2017

Bolton Math and Science

Math: Period 1 Test on Fraction Division on Monday.

Periods 3 and 4 took test today.

Science: Had Test

Thursday, September 28, 2017


Due Tomorrow.  Either return the book or your orders and money.

Bolton Math and Science

Math: Period 1, Practice/Review Pages.
Period 3 and 4: Test on Fraction Division

Science: Test 1-2

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Bolton Math and Science

Math: Period 1, complete the Dividing Mixed Numbers handout (1-8)
Period 3 and 4, Complete Lesson 8, page 38 (1-4)

Science:  Answer the questions from handout, Earth's Atmosphere.


Mesopotamia Lesson 1 The Sumerians  Packet
***Complete sentences, spelling counts, no subject pronouns as subject of the answers****

Monday, September 25, 2017

ELA and Haehl Science

ELA- We started looking at the vocabulary for our next story, Fine? by Margaret Haddix. The four words we are looking at and should know the definition of, plus spelling are: technician, reminisce, conscientious, and emphatic. These definitions can be found on page 31 of their reading notebook. Their homework is to complete the sentence starters on page 32 of their notebook using their definitions on page 31.

Science- Today we started focusing on our catastrophic events since we have had so many recently. We built our graphic organizer to help us keep track of the causes and effects of each disaster and then wrote our buring questions that we can spend time answering at the end of each class. There is no homework for tonight :)

Erika Haehl
Arrowhead Elementary
6th grade ELA

Social Studies

We had great success with a mini-quiz over Ch 3 and will be starting our unit on Mesopotamia on Tuesday.
No homework

Bolton Math and Science

None: in class work

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

ELA and Haehl Science

There is no science homework :)

As far as reading, they need to finish their writing reflection. They had plenty of class time, so it should be pretty close to done. They should also be reading for at least 20 minutes each day. They should complete their second reading response question.  

Thank you for your continued support! Have a great 4 day weekend!

Erika Haehl
Arrowhead Elementary
6th grade ELA

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Bolton Math and Science

Science: Complete the two questions from the article "A Thin Blue Veil".

ELA and Haehl Science

ELA- Today we graded our test and looked at where our mistakes happened (not reading the question fully, not double checking the answers, not looking in the text, etc) and then started a reflection on what we did well and what we need to work on. If they did not finish their reflection it is homework.

Haehl Science- We finished the last centers for weather and climate. We will be doing an activity to see how climate and weather work. Homework is a worksheet on weather and climate statements.

Thanks for your continued support,
Erika Haehl
Arrowhead Elementary
6th grade ELA

Social Studies Science/Stewart

Neolithic worksheet- Due Wed.

Science (Stewart only)
Notebook check
Quiz on Factors that Influence Climate
Quiz on Weather Patterns

Monday, September 18, 2017

Bolton Math and Science

Math: Period 1 and 4: Handout 15 fraction division problems, Use any method for 1-12; model the last 3 on the back using the Steps for Partitive Thinking from your notebook.

ELA and Haehl Science

ELA- Today we did our "Fears and Phobias" test. So the only homework they have is to read for 20 minutes.

Science- We are completing our centers for weather and climate this week. The homework is to give one statement about Arizona's weather and another statement about Arizona's climate.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

SOCIAL STUDIES/ Stewart Science

The majority of students did very well on the Prehistory test!  Those that struggled confirmed that they did not study much before.  I hope more than prehistory was learned :)

The next two days we will be watching a video on Prehistoric Man, from The History Channel.

We are working on an addition to our Science notebook:  The 6 Climate zones.


ELA- TEST TOMORROW and Haehl Science

Hello awesome families!

ELA- Today was an fun day of learning about subjective and objective pronouns. Most seem to have grasped it, however there are a few still struggling. If your child is one who can not figure out how to finish their homework, I can help them tomorrow morning at 8:30- They just need to come straight to my class when they come in.. Their homework is page 30 in their notebooks. Also, tomorrow we are starting our "Fears and Phobias" test.

Science- The only homework for today is their city's weather if they have not yet completed it.

Thank you for your continued support,
Erika Haehl
6th grade ELA
Arrowhead Elementary

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Bolton Math and Science

Math: Period 1: Lesson 7 Problem Set, do 1-7
Science: none

ELA and Haehl Science

ELA- Today we looked at a clip about the way fear works in the brain and pulled out the two main parts that trigger fear and the reaction. Then they wrote a narrative about how fear affects them. They did very well on this assignment.

 Science- No homework.. We had EQ Ambassador training today :)

Thanks for your support,
Erika Haehl
Arrowhead Elementary
6th grade ELA

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Bolton Math and Science

Math: Period 1 : complete the six problem practice using the fraction division algorithm.

Periods 3 and 4: Complete Lesson 7 Problem Set.

Science: Read Article "What is in the Air?, Answer the 2 questions in notes and list the elements that make up the air.

Monday, September 11, 2017

ELA and Haehl Science

ELA_ Today we started putting everything we have learned about fears and phobias into a writing assignment. They are to complete a paragraph that tells me the definition, examples, and comparing and contrasting fears and phobias. Their homework is to finish their final draft and edit it

Science- Today we finished our first round centers and talked a little about hurricanes since we have so many live hurricanes. We will continue learning about hurricanes tomorrow. Their only homework is the weather of the city they chose

Erika Haehl
Arrowhead Elementary
6th grade ELA

Bolton Math and Science

Period 4, complete the 6 problem practice in notes, p. 14 in IMN

Science: Finish answering the Hurricane questions from the video and discussion today.


Today we watched a short film and discussed the events that occurred on Sept 11, 2001

The students also worked on the Prehistory worksheet and made study cards.  The worksheet is due on Tuesday and the test will be on Wednesday.

Friday, September 8, 2017

ELA and Haehl Science

ELA- We started comparing and contrasting fear and phobias to prepare us for our paper we are going to write Monday. The only homework they have is to read for 20 mins.

Science- No homework.. We did more science centers on weather and climate.

As always if you have any questions feel free to ask. Thank you for your continued support!

Erika Haehl
Arrowhead Elementary
6th grade ELA

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Bolton Math and Science


Period 1: Lesson 4, p. 19 - 21 Exercises 1-5 (model #1 and 2, use the common denominator strategy for the rest)

Period 3: Lesson 4, p. 19 - 21 Exercises 1-5 (model #2, use the common denominator strategy for the rest)

Period 4: Lesson 4, p. 19 - 21 Exercises 1-5 (model #1 and 2, use the common denominator strategy for the rest)

Science: Summarize the procedures your group used for today's investigation along with a revised diagram and summarize your results and conclusion.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Bolton Math and Science

None. In class notes and examples for Math.

Didn't have Science today.

First Camp Surf Deposit of $75 due by September 15.

ELA and Haehl Science

ELA-  We finished yesterdays lesson on cause and effect today. Only homework is to read for 20 minutes..

Science- No homework :) We started or EQ leadership classes with Ms. Evans!

Social Studies

Almost all tests have been graded.  If your child earned less than 70% they will be bringing it home for a parent signature.

Today we started taking notes on Early Humans and the Agricultural Revolution.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Bolton Math and Science

Math and Science: None, in class work.

Picture day is tomorrow.  Dress accordingly.  Our homeroom is scheduled for 11:30 a.m.

ELA and Haehl Science

ELA- We started talking about cause and effect and the different causes and effects of fear. However we also had library so we touched on it very briefly and did one class example. Their homework is to read for 20 minutes tonight.. We will be starting a program of weekly reading challenges to get them reading more at home. 20 minutes a day has such high impact for such little work.
Image result for reading 20 minutes a day
Science- We looked at how climate and weather are different from each other and how each one is important to know. Their homework is to complete the Venn diagram of how weather and climate are similar and different form each other. They are also to find the weather for their city and record it on page 15 of their notebook.

Thanks for your continued support! Here's to a great week!

Erika Haehl
Arrowhead Elementry
6th grade ELA


If your child did not complete the test- they must finish it tonight at home and bring it to school.

Stewart Science
Today we discussed the different kinds of weather fronts and added a map with symbols to our Science notebook.