Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Bolton Math and L.A.

Math: handout more volume practice.  There are two methods we have learned for finding the volume of a rectangular prism.  Students can use either method to answer the 3rd question for each Figure.
L.A.: Spelling packet due

Peck Language Arts/Science

Language Arts: The students revised and edited their rough drafts using the check list. The students also worked on Lesson 2 in the Buckle Down books.
Homework: Be ready to type your final copy tomorrow and complete the practice for Lesson 2 on pages 28-30
Science: The students completed a Response Sheet that demonstrated their understanding of the difference between living cells and organisms.
Homework: Complete the Thinking Questions for "The Lowly Paramecium".


Rough Draft of Pictorial Representation of the Founding of Rome
4 panels
1st Title (Using Roman Alphabet)
2ns- Romulus/Remus
3rd Aeneas
4th Historians
Only Rough Draft Due on Thursday

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Characteristics of 2 main characters 25 words for each character.


8-1 (2 sided) worksheet

Peck Language Arts/Science

Language Arts: The students worked on a rough draft of their short stories.  They also began working in the Buckle Down workbooks for AIMS preparation.
Homework: The rough draft is due for Wednesday! Lesson 1 Practice 1-9 on pages 14/15 is also due for Wednesday!
Science: The students observed through the microscope and recorded observations of the digestion of a paramecium.
Homework: Be sure that your observations are complete for "Feeding Time"

Monday, January 27, 2014

Bolton Math and L.A.

Math: p. 12 in IMN, students are to answer the questions for each of the prism figures.  In the end finding the volume of each prism two different ways (dimensions of entire prism, or dimensions of one decomposed cube of the prism times the number of cubes)
L.A.: Final draft of argument essay due Wed.  Spelling packet due Thur., Test Friday

Peck Language Arts/Science

Language Arts: The students brainstormed ideas for a story map using the pictorial prompt provided. 
Homework: Spelling Packets are due Friday; Story Maps are due tomorrow.
Science: The students viewed paramecium using the microscopes.  The students compared paramecium and elodea in terms of characteristics of living. 
Homework: None

Friday, January 24, 2014

Bolton Math and L.A.

Math: MobyMax time report for Jan. 20 - Jan 26 due Monday Jan. 27.


10 questions for the Etruscans and the Beginnings for Rome-Due Monday
I will be at a district meeting all day Monday.  The students will watch a segment of Lost Civilizations on Rome.
Their assignment is to write 10 Fascinating Facts from the video. Due Tuesday.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Bolton Math and L.A.

Math: Handout, Area review and Volume practice, also there will be a quiz on area tomorrow.  Students should be able to find the area of a triangle, parallelogram, and be able to decompose an irregular shape into known polygons to find the area.
L.A.: Prefixes handout due.  Reading Group Activity due.

Peck Language Arts/Science

Language Arts: The students read paired texts and compared the theme and characters of the two.
Homework: Spelling Packets and Lazy Editor paragraphs 1-5 should be completed.
Science: The students discussed, reviewed, and took a quiz on Investigation 2
Homework: None


Etruscans and the Beginnings of Rome
Highlight activity: Main Idea boxed (title), Topic Sentence of each paragraph (underlined), Text-based evidence (details) that support the topic sentence (highlighted)  Due Friday.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Bolton Math and L.A.

Math: Period 1: students should try to find the volume of the prisms they created in class from the length, width and heights of the cubes used to create each.
Period 2:  work in class
Period 3: What is the volume of the 24 cube prism you created, knowing the side length of each cube is 3/4 inches?   Use one of the two ways from our examples done in class.
L.A.: Reading group activity and Argument Essay due.

Stewart- Reading

Reading Project 9 (Mood)
Read the 9th segment of your book. Write your summary.  We will discuss 'mood' in class before you must write the 'mood' of your book.


Vocabulary Work- Choose 8 words from the hand-out. Define them as they are used. Write an ORIGINAL sentence using the word.  Due Thursday

Peck Language Arts/Science

Language Arts: The students completed the JFK comprehension/vocabulary quiz.
Homework: Spelling Packets are due Friday. Finish the JFK comprehension/vocabulary if you did not finish in class.
Science: The students viewed Brine Shrimp under the microscope and confirmed evidence of life.
Homework: Complete the observation sheet for "Brine Shrimp Alive" in your science notebooks.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Bolton Math and L.A.

Math: just MobyMax.  Began exploring Volume in class.
L.A.: Students have a reading group activity assignment, plus the conclusion to their argument essay due Thursday.

Peck Language Arts/Science

Language Arts: The students identified the key ideas and details that support them in the JFK article.
Homework: Key Ideas 1-3 with details due tomorrow
Science: The students learned how to manipulate the focal plane on the microscopes
Homework: None 

Friday, January 17, 2014


TEST Tuesday- Ch 5
Students will be required to provide text-based evidence for each answer ( numbers where they found the answer in the book)

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Bolton Math and L.A.

Math: Handout "Area of Parallelograms and Triangles"
L.A.: Spelling Test tomorrow, Body paragraphs of essay due, suffix handout due.


TEST ON Tuesday Ch 5
Open book-must include page numbers with answers


Comprehension questions 1-10 on Fears/Phobias

Susan Stewart
6th Grade Teacher

Peck Language Arts/Science

Language Arts: The students answered critical thinking questions and began identifying key ideas within the article "The Day the President was Shot".
Homework: Finish page 2 and 3 of the During and After Reading outline.  Spelling Packets are due tomorrow!
Science: The students learned how to manipulate and focus a slide under the microscope.
Homework: None!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Peck Language Arts/Science

Language Arts: The students read the article, "The Day the President was Shot" and began answering the Close Reading questions.
Homework: Close Reading Questions 1-4 are due for Thursday
Science: The students identified and labeled the primary parts of a microscope and briefly investigated with them.
Homework: None!
Camp Surf Payments and Book Orders are due tomorrow!

Bolton Math and L.A.

Math: Period 1 and 4, handout, find the areas of the quadrilaterals and triangles.  Students should have the aid of formulas derived in class for triangles and parallelograms.  That, along with their knowledge of areas of rectangles should let them find the areas of most polygons, including trapezoids, through decomposing the shapes.
Period 2 will do in class tomorrow.
L.A.: Spelling packet due tomorrow.  Body of essay due Friday.  Suffix handout due Friday.

Stewart- Reading

SCOPE- Close Reading questions on "The Day the President was Shot"


Worksheet 5-3 and 5-4 (2 sided)

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Peck Language Arts/Science

Language Arts: The students finished the Harcourt Testing and began exploring the article, "The Day the President was Shot".
Homework: Complete the "Before Reading" Questions

Science: The students completed a quiz for Investigation 1
Homework: None!

Bolton Math and L.A.

Math: Period 1, none.   Periods 2 and 4, p. 6 in IMN, start by doing number 1 (a,b,c,d,and e) of the Geoboards: Deriving Formula 1 activity.
L.A.: Argument Essay Introduction due tomorrow. 


Sect 6 of the Reading Project:
Read the required number of pages, write a summary and make a prediction (Inference) of what will happen next. What in the story makes you think that? (25 words or more)


Read p. 183-186 The Spread of Greek Culture
(most students finished in class)

Monday, January 13, 2014

Bolton Math and L.A.

Math: none except MobyMax, completed sharing of Decomposing Shapes for area in class and collected. 
L.A.: Prefixes handout due tomorrow, Introduction of Argument Essay due Wed.  Spelling Packet due Thursday.

Peck Language Arts/Science

Language Arts: the students took the Harcourt Mid Year Exam
Homework: Spelling Packets due Friday.  At least 3 Harcourt tests should be completed when you walk into class tomorrow.  Do them at home if you are behind.
Science: The students completed their final evaluation of the mystery materials and determined which ones were living and nonliving.  We also defined Dead and Dormant.
Homework: Know the 7 main characteristics of life.  We will have a mini quiz tomorrow!


Reading- Reading Project #5 Conflict
Summary and paragraph on Conflict (What is the main conflict in your story? What type of conflict is it? Name two minor conflicts)

Susan Stewart
6th Grade Teacher


read p. 175-179  Alexander the Great
HW 1-6 on p. 179

Friday, January 10, 2014

Bolton Math and L.A.

Math: First report for MobyMax is due Monday, Jan. 13 for week of Jan 6 - 12
Please don't email screen shots of your report.  I believe it is important for students to take the responsibility in solving a printed report problem, such as logging in at school and printing it.  Part of my goal in this is to instill in students the idea that they have a responsibility in getting good grades themselves.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Bolton Math and L.A.

Math: Handout, students use knowledge of areas of rectangles to decompose or compose other polygons to find their area (CCSS 6.Geometry.1).  Students should explore and try their own methods.
L.A.: Spelling Test tomorrow, Argument essay handout from yesterday due.
Congratulations to Haleigh from our homeroom, our school Spelling Bee champion.

Peck Language Arts/Science

Language Arts: The students answered critical thinking questions about Pandora's Box
Homework: Spelling packets are due.  Test tomorrow!
Science: The students set up an investigation that will allow them to test for evidence of life.
Homework: Answer the Thinking Questions from the article, "Life on Earth". 
Congratulations to Dylan Tyler for doing an excellent job in the Spelling Bee!


Philosophically Speaking ( an article on Socrates)
HW-Socrates' Hot Seat  Choose three quotes and explain them in your own words. (3-4 sentences for each)
What's your Philosophy? Choose the one that fits your attitude toward life. Why? Explain
DUE Monday
Friday is an early release schedule.  Students may work on the above assignment in class.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Bolton Math and L.A.

L.A.: Students were given a Argument Essay organizer.  Complete steps 1 through 6, started in class.
Math: top of p. 6 in IMN, students are to use and show their knowledge of finding the areas of squares and rectangles in exploring the areas of a rhombus and parallelogram.  Be ready to share ideas in class.


Spelling/Jumpstart due on Friday
Reading homework tonight (Wednesday):
Read the 5th section of your book write the summary. We will cover conflict tomorrow.


Greek Philosophy and History
p. 168-173
5-2 (two sided) worksheet
Due Thursday

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Bolton Math and L.A.

Math Periods 1 and 4: none, completing pages 4-6 in class, but did not finish today.
Math Period 4: Complete Area of Parallelogram and Rhombus with questions at top of p. 6
L.A.: Complete the Yes/No Evidence from p. 27 in Scholastic Scope for Argument Essay practice

Peck Language Arts/Science

Language Arts: The students read the play "Pandora's Box" and began identifying key literary elements using text evidence.
Homework: Sections 1-5 in the literary elements packet are due for tomorrow.
Science: The students began distinguishing between living and nonliving items using specific characteristics.
Homework: None

Social Studies

The 12 Labors of Heracles
12 panels



Monday, January 6, 2014

Bolton Math and L.A.

Math: MobyMax handout given for parent signature.  MobyMax should become a weekly assignment from now on.
L.A.: Discussed Argument writing in class. Spelling Packet given.

STEWART- Writing

Today we took notes (Jot Note Activity) in class.
Homework-write a summary of your Winter Break using the notes you took in class.
Rough Draft due Tuesday

Peck Language Arts/Science

Language Arts: The students used jot notes to write a summary describing their holiday break.
Homework: Spelling Packet due Friday
Science: The students formatted their new Diversity of Life notebooks and took a pretest.
Homework: If you do not already have one, you need a new notebook for Diversity of Life - Green notebooks are great!
**Spelling Bee Thursday January 9th at 2:15!