Thursday, August 31, 2017


Today in Social Studies we began work on the end of the chapter assessment.  This is a series of multiple choice, matching and fill in the blank questions. It is an OPEN BOOK test as the students are required to put the page number of where they found the answer.  One purpose of this assessment is to reinforce the concept of backing up your answers with proof.   This concept can be hard for some (especially when they just 'know' the right answer :)  but the correct page number is required to receive full credit for the answer.  We will continue with this testing tomorrow in class.

Stewart- Science
  We are continuing with our look at weather extremes.  Today we watched a video and they have an article to read and respond to  Due tomorrow.

ELA and Haehl Science

Hello families!

ELA- We started going over text features today! We looked at headings, subheadings, and sidebars along with a few others. The students homework is to finish writing side bars on the article. A side bar is something that adds to the facts given that have to do with the main idea. I asked them to write a 3 bullet point summary on the most important facts of each section for the sidebars. They are to finish the sidebars for the remaining sections for homework. This is found on page 20 of their notebook.

Science- Your kiddos are so smart! I am noticing that the things I am teaching they already learned and are awesome readers. They don't understand the  pressure it is sometimes to be up there and get a word and completely blank-yikes! However they saved the day :) So we will continue to look at weather but I am going to challenge them a bit with centers and activities that pushes their knowledge and see how that goes. Their homework is to record the weather of their city into their notebooks! Thanks for your support!

Remember no homework tomorrow for ELA or Haehl's science

Thanks for your continued support,
Erika Haehl
Arrowhead Elementary
6th grade ELA

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Bolton Math and Science

Math: in class work

Science: Draw diagram or model of syringe exploration.  Show what your think happens to the air molecules when the closed syringe was pushed in and then let go?

ELA and Haehl Science

Hi families,
I am sure your kids already told you that I was out sick the past two days so they didn't have too much homework. I am for the most part much better but still in quite a bit of pain in my back, so I am sitting a lot.
However they are still doing a fabulous job of following expectations :)

ELA Homework:
Finish drawing pictures of each word on pg 18 of ISN (notebook)

Choose a city outside of AZ and find the weather forecast for their chosen city. Record on Pg 13 of ISN (notebook)

As always, if you have questions feel free to ask! Thank you for your continued support!

Erika Haehl
Arrowhead Elementary
6th grade ELA


Vocabulary Builder Packet due Thursday

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Bolton Math and Science

Math: None today.
Science: Think about question "What is Air?" and answer in your own words in notebook for tomorrow.


Tsunami  worksheet
scrambled words
comprehension questions

Social Studies

The students are working on a vocabulary packet for Ch 1: What Does a Historian Do?
Not homework at this point.

Monday, August 28, 2017


   Geography Terms Packet AND
   Create-a-Continent is DUE Tuesday

Friday, August 25, 2017


Geography Packet- DUE Tuesday
    definitions for all
    colored pictures for the boxes

Create-a-Continent- DUE Tuesday
  Must be turned in on Final Draft paper
  Rubric must accompany continent

Students will have all class period on Monday to work on these projects

Thursday, August 24, 2017

ELA and Haehl Science

Hello! We almost made it through the third week already! I hope this week has been as great as ours has. Just a reminder, tomorrow is a half day, ending at 12:05!

ELA- We started taking a look at how to analyze a story and look at why the author chose as he did. There was not any homework today other than catch up. However I will be collecting notebooks tomorrow to grade their writing from Wednesday. We also have a test tomorrow about The Ravine.

Science- We have started our Weather and Water unit! This a fully hands on curriculum that puts science in their hands. Today was interesting. We are going to come back to it tomorrow and see if we can figure out the confusion. There was not any homework tonight. Just a quick FYI< students will be choosing a different city/country/state to look at their weather nightly and update the class on.  A good website to look at for this information is It includes most if not all the information they will need.

Tomorrow is Friday so there will not be any homework!

Thanks for being great! Have a great weekend!

Erika Haehl
Arrowhead Elementary
6th grade ELA

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Bolton Math and Science

Math: Module 2, Lesson 2, Exit Ticket (2 questions)

Science: none, in class work


Lesson 2- How Does a Historian Work? worksheet due Thursday
You will need a book to complete this (either the textbook or the online version)
To find directions to the online book go to the link on the top of this page
"SS and ELA Online Editions"

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Stewart- Social Studies/ Science

Social Studies= No Homework.... however, the geography terms packet will be due soon.  Your child should be on page three.... AT LEAST!!!!

Science- No homework.  We started Weather and watched a video about the difference between Weather and Climate.

And the winner is.......

Ms. Haehl... for most consistent use of our homework website!!  Way to go, Ms. H!

I apologize for not getting going on this. When no homework is given I forget to enter any information at all.  In Social Studies we have been busy with our Geography Terms (Land forms)  packet. Today we are going to go over a worksheet that is an introduction to What a Historian Does. Next week we will begin our Pre-History unit.

In Stewart Science we have worked on Dependent and Independent Variables and will be starting on our major question of the Fall semester: What is Weather? We will explore different instruments that meteorologists use and some of the why and how weather and climate affect our lives.

Thank you for checking in. 

Monday, August 21, 2017

ELA and Haehl Science

ELA- Today we did a second read of The Ravine and completed a plot element map as we read. Whatever they didn't finish of the plot element map was the homework they needed to complete. If they checked out a book, please remind them to return them tomorrow. Thanks!

Haehl science: We finished our paper column experiment. If they didn't finish their conclusion, they need to complete it as homework.

Homeroom: I also passed out a student/parent/teacher/admin compact that outlines what is expected from each party. Please read over and sign. Thank you!

Erika Haehl
6th grade ELA  

Friday, August 18, 2017

Haehl Update

Today did not go as planned.. Not as much got done as I had hoped... So as far as notebook check on Monday, I will be checking pages 7-11. They need to be complete.

Homeroom- We ran out of time with our science project so we did not get to passing out all of the needed papers. I will get those to them on Monday. I am sorry for the confusion!

Erika Haehl
6th grade ELA
Arrowhead Elementary

ELA and Haehl's Science

I am so sorry for the delay in sharing yesterday's homework! We had an awesome curriculum night full of information for our wonderful parents. If you were unable to attend we will be sending home a few things today that you will want to get from your student, so please ask them about those! If you have any questions about any of the things we send home, please feel free to ask.

Yesterday, there was not any homework for ELA or Haehl's science since we finished it in class and we had curriculum night, which made for a late evening already.

There is no homework tonight either unless they need to make up work from this week. I will be doing notebook checks on Monday. This is a grade. They should have pages 7-12 complete by then (both ELA and Science for Haehl's homeroom). Most of this has been done in class so if they were here everyday, it should be done or close to done already :)

Next week we will be continuing with The Ravine, taking a deeper look into the plot development and how the plot effects the character's development. In science, we will be jumping into the "Weather and Water" FOSS kit which explores the why and how behind water. This unit will continue throughout the semester.

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to ask!

Thank you and have a fantastic weekend!
Ms. Haehl
6th grade ELA

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Bolton Math and Science

Math: Period 1: One problem with correct Model (6/7 divided by 3)

Period 2: Complete Problem Set 1 (#1B, 2A, 4, and 5)  with Models

Period 4: none, done in class.

Science: none

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Bolton Math and Science

Math: period 1 and 4: Problem Set 1 ( do #1B, #2A, #4 and #5)  Models should show the understanding of the division problem.  Use notes as examples.

Period 3, none, will do in class tomorrow.

Science: Complete the Scientific Method handout.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Bolton Math and Science

Math: none.  In all classes we began lesson 1, working on an understanding of Division of Fractions with modeling.

Science: none: In class we began discussion of the Scientific Method.

ELA Homework- No science homework for Haehl HR

Today we previewed and then started reading the story The  Ravine. They asked 3 questions about the story before we read, and as we read they were to be answering the questions we asked. We did not have enough time to check out questions after reading one of the pages. So they are to review the questions they wrote and see if they can answer any of their questions. They may not be able to answer all of them since we did not finish the story yet.

Tomorrow we have RI pre-testing to find out their lexile levels. Therefore there will not be homework tomorrow for ELA class.

Thanks for your continued support,
Miss Haehl
6th grade ELA teacher


Latitude and Longitude packet
Due Wednesday

Curriculum Night 5pm Thursday

Monday, August 14, 2017


Latitude and Longitude work sheet (2-sided)

Sunday, August 13, 2017

First week

What a great first week we have had!  On the first three days of school your children helped the kindergartners and first graders at lunch. They were wonderful role models and Ambassadors.

In Social Studies we worked on Latitude and Longitude and began a packet of geography terms.  On Friday they took a pre-test of material we will cover in 6th grade.  It will be awesome to see how much they will have learned by May!

Thursday night is Curriculum Night.  Look for flyers to come home.  We will meet in the cafeteria for ice cream at 5pm, then proceed to a parent meeting regarding our new Title 1 status, afterwards all three teachers will discuss our 6th grade curriculum.  We will end the night with an overview of our annual trip to Camp Surf in April.

Thank you for sharing your children with us this year.  See you on Thursday!!

Friday, August 11, 2017

Ms. Haehl's Reading and homeroom homework due today

This is what's due today.

All Reading classes: Finish numbering reading notebook. If they did not turn in their contract or banner yesterday, that also needs to be turned in.
Homeroom: Completed Final draft of letter w/ character. If the forms they received Monday are not yet turned in, they need to be turned in as well.

There will rarely if ever be homework on a Friday from me. There is not any homework this weekend unless they owe an assignment from earlier this week still.

Thanks for a fantastic first week! I am so excited for this school year! Keep up the good work!

Miss Haehl

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Bolton Homeroom

School Papers are due tomorrow.  Also, try to get in the Parent Signature page from the 6th grade First Days packet.  Students should finish up their Letters to Future Self paper with Caricature for tomorrow.

We are looking for parents interested in being a chaperon for Camp Surf.  Blue papers were sent home this week regarding this.  We may be in need of many male chaperons. 

Please Consider Going.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Ms. Haehl's ELA and Homeroom

Good afternoon! Hope the first half of you week went as well as ours did :) Students should have recorded their homework in their agenda's.

All ELA classes:
Review the class procedures with your parent/student. Then sign and return tomorrow.
Completed get to know you banner

Homeroom only:
Completed rough draft of Future Self letter

Thanks for your continued support!

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Social Studies and Stewart Homeroom

Social Studies:  Identify the continents worksheet

Stewart Homeroom; All About Me Poster

Monday, August 7, 2017

Ms. Haehl's Homeroom

Welcome to a new school year! Today was a GREAT day I am so happy to be your student's teacher. In my homeroom we went over some of the rules and procedures, did a few get to know you games, and learned more about Ms. Haehl. We had art today which the students enjoyed, tomorrow is PE (Bring tennis shoes).

I sent home a grade level welcome packet. Please review with students and then fill out, sign and return the last page. The rest of it is yours to keep for reference. I also sent home a packet that shows what information we currently have for your contact information. Please review and ensure that the information is correct. If there are any issues please follow the directions on the red sheet to rectify.

I also encouraged them to read for at least  20 minutes each day.

Thank you so much for your support and trust. Can't wait to see all of their smiling faces tomorrow! Have a great night :)

Miss Erika Haehl
6th grade ELA
Arrowhead Elementary

Bolton Homeroom

Students were given a School Packet (Due Friday) and a Class packet (due Aug 16)  Please read through and sign where needed and return.

Friday, August 4, 2017

Welcome Back

Welcome back to a brand new year. Our first full day is Monday, August 7, 2017. Our school start times are; first bell at 8:30 for release to the field, first school start bell will be 8:40 a.m., and school begins promptly at 8:45 a.m.

Mr. Bolton, your Math teacher, Ms. Haehl, your ELA teacher, and Mrs. Stewart, your Social Studies teacher, are all excited to see you back for a brand new year.  All teachers will be teaching Science to their own homeroom class.

We look forward to the adventurous new schedule we have for this year and hope you're excited about it, too.

Come WILLING and CURIOUS to learn!

The 6th Grade Team