Tuesday, December 20, 2016

STEWART- Social Studies

Period 1
Vocab Due Wednesday
Per 4
Traditions (27 questions) due Friday

Monday, December 19, 2016

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students practiced more problems where they compared rates using different math strategies. Tomorrow the students will complete the Topic C assessment focusing on Unit Rate and Rate.
Homework: Lesson 23 Problem Set
Science: The students practiced concepts learned throughout the semester focusing on Weather and Water. Peck's class completed the Investigation 8 Test.
Homework: Stewart/Bolton - Be prepared for the Weather and Water Post Test! Peck's class will take this on Wednesday.
*Last day to bring in your items for the gingerbread construction! Thank you for your support if you have brought in your items already!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

Math: Test on Ratios by the end of this week or Monday.
Period 1: Topic C Review handout
Period 2: Topic D Review handout

ELA: Period 4, complete p. 15 in Scholastic Scope by filling in the 1, 2, 3's of the yes and no.

Period 5: none

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students calculated unit rates and found the "best buy". 
Homework: Lesson 19 Problem Set
Science: The students learned how to read isobars on a map and how atmospheric pressure affects weather.
Homework: None! Investigation 8 Test on Friday!

Monday, December 12, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

Math: Period 1 Review sheet for Topic B
Period 2, Review for Topic C

ELA: Period 4, read article on p. 14-15 from Scholastic Scope (Can Fame and Fortune...)
Period 5, Read article p. 14-15 and complete the "What do you think? in yellow on p. 15

ELA- Stewart

Fear Strikes and Confusion and Confession
vocab and comprehension

Social Studies

District TEST on Tuesday for those students who did not take it on Monday

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students learned how to solve for rate when given two quantities.
Homework: Lesson 18 Problem Set
Science: The students learned how wind forms and how to identify breezes.
Homework: Periods 2 and 4 only - Read "Where the Wild Wind Blows" and answer the two Think Questions.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Peck Math/Science

Math: the students learned how to calculate rate when given a ratio.
Homework: Lesson 17 Problem Set
Science: The students reviewed how air pressure changes at different elevations.
Homework: None!
**Reminder: Don't forget to bring money for lunch in the food court OR a sack lunch!**


Study Guide for the Fall Semester Post test
Due Friday= District Test Mon or Tuesday
Your child was given over 3 hours of class time to complete this study guide.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

Math: Period 1 none
Period 2: Using Equations to solve ratio problems. handout.

ELA: Period 4  complete "Tuesday" page of Paragraph of the Week packet.
Period 5, complete "Monday" page of Paragraph of the Week packet.

Social Studies

We are working on the study guide for the District Fall Semester test. The test will be given next Tuesday.

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students learned the terms Rate, Rate Unit, and Unit Rate.  The learned how to calculate rate and how to determine rate unit.
Homework: Lesson 16 Problem Set Questions
Science: The students began Investigation 8 - learning about the affects of air pressure
Homework: Complete the Think Questions for the article, "What is Air Pressure?"
**Last two days for the Toy Drive! Please bring in a new, unwrapped toy for the Student Council Toy Drive!**

Monday, December 5, 2016

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students completed the Mid-Module Assessment for Module 1
Homework: None!
Science: The students completed the assessment for Investigation 7 today.
Homework: None!
Please remember to bring in your Angel Tree donation and Field Trip Permission Slip if you have not done so already! 
Last chance to donate to the Toy/Book Drive this week!!
We will be visiting the Jingle Bell Shop tomorrow if you want to shop!

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: Period 1 none
Period 2: handout of ratios, write 2 equations for each ratio given.

ELA: Period 4, complete brainstorming of Paragraph of the Week.
Period 5 none

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

Math: none

ELA: center activities

Brian Bolton
Arrowhead Elementary, DVUSD
Sixth Grade

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students worked on the Topic B test today
Homework: None!
Science: The students explored Hydrology and the different careers found in this study of the water cycle.
Homework: Answer the 5 questions from "Earth: The Water Planet"
**Please bring in Angel Tree donations!!**

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: Period 1 none
Period 2, handout for Ratio Tables plus graphing

ELA: Period 4, complete Paragraph of the week for Tuesday and writing summary of article in your journal.

Period 5, Center Activities.

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students continued graphing information from a table to solve real-world problems.
Homework: Lesson 15 Problem Set
Science: The students began exploring Earth as a water planet and where exactly water travel in the water cycle.
Homework: None!
**Please bring in your Angel Tree donations if you haven't already!! 
**The Student Council is also collecting new packaged toys for the Toy Drive this week and next!

Monday, November 28, 2016

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: Period 1, handout for Distance-Rate-Time problems (10 problems)
Period 2, in Module, pp. 83-85 (#3-5) Solving Problems Using Graphs.

ELA: Re-read "The Flaming Sky" from our Scholastic Scope magazine.  pp. 4-10.


no homework


Question 1-5
Answers found in CH 7, lesson 1

Monday, November 21, 2016

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students began forming equations based on information found in ratio tables.
Homework: Lesson 13 Exercise 5 only
Science: The students completed a notebook quiz and began preparing for tomorrow's test!
Homework: Finish the notebook quiz if you did not finish in class.  Study your study guide for tomorrow's test.
Please bring in a donation for the Angel Tree trip if you haven't yet.

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: Period 1: Complete handout Skills and Word Problem Practice for Rates and Unit Rates.
Period 2, handout on Distance, Rate, Time word problems.

ELA: Some need to complete compare and contrast essay, others did Thank you mats in class today and continued tomorrow.

Brian Bolton
Arrowhead Elementary, DVUSD
Sixth Grade


SOCIAL STUDIES- no homework
ELA- Read The Oracle Speaks (vocab/comprehension)
Grammar- P 55 Capitalization

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Peck Math/Science

Math: the students were introduced to double number lines and how they relate to ratio tables.
Homework: Lesson 12 Problem Set - The students were given Homework Helpers to assist with any confusion with the homework.
Science: The students viewed a demonstration that showed temperature and pressure are related
Homework: None

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

Math: Period 1, pp. 78-79
Period 2, handout on Rates and Unit Rates, 2 sided.

ELA: Completed 3 Paragraph Compare and Contrast essay due, plus center activities


The Oracle of Thoth

Social Studies- The Mycenaeans

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students practiced creating equivalent ratios.
Homework: Packet Lesson 3.2 (page 43 only) and Lesson 3.3
Science: Reviewed dew point, condensation, and evaporation.
Homework: Complete the Think Questions from the "Dragon's Breath" article.
*Please begin bringing in donations for the Angel Tree trip when you can. If there is a hardship and you are unable to donate, please send in a note so I am aware.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Social Studies

Minoan Facts
Due Wednesday

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students learned how to create equivalent ratios in order to answer real world problems.
Homework: Lesson 11 Exercise Question d only.
Science: The students learned how to find the dew point and how humidity affects dew point.
Homework: None!

Monday, November 14, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

Math: Period 1: Test tomorrow.
Period 2: complete pp. 78-79

ELA: Complete at least the Introduction paragraph started in class for the Compare and Contrast essay.

Stewart- ELA

POW- One paragraph summary of Judaism
Parent signature on rough draft
Due Friday

Egypt Game- Quiz Sheet due Tuesday

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

Math: Period 1: Review/Study Guide for Test on Tuesday.
Period 2 none

ELA: Complete details and topic sentences for Compare and Contrast paragraphs.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

Math: Period 1: in class work.
Period 2: Mid Test for Ratios
ELA: Complete detail sentences for Compare paragraph.

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students defined the VALUE of ratios (lowest term), and used equivalent ratios to solve problems.
Homework: Lesson 8 Problem Set
***To access Homework Helpers, use the link below!***
Science: The students presented their findings from yesterday's lab and began exploring the concept of humidity.
Homework: None

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

Math: Period 1: Ratios, percent, decimal handout.
Period 2: More Percent Word Problems Practice.

ELA: Beginning to fill out Venn Diagram for the characters Vinnie and Joe-Boy from the story The Ravine.

Brian Bolton
Arrowhead Elementary, DVUSD
Sixth Grade


Les 6-2
The Israelites
Period 1 and 4

The Egypt Game
Ceremony  of the Dead

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students identified the value of ratios and practice solving real world problems.
Homework: Lesson 7 Problem Set
Science: The students were challenged to prove there is water vapor in the air.
Homework: None!

Monday, November 7, 2016

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students used tape diagrams to solve real-world problems
Homework: Lesson 6 Problem Set
Science: The students took a look at the results of the Investigation 5 Test from last week and reviewed the energy packet from Thursday
Homework: None!

Friday, November 4, 2016

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: Handout on Percents, decimals and fractions

ELA: Center activities, Paragraph of the Week due tomorrow.

Brian Bolton
Arrowhead Elementary, DVUSD
Sixth Grade

Social Studies

The Israelites
Lesson 1- read in class
worksheet due Monday
Friday- We will start watching The Prince of Egypt- Disney's version of the story of Moses (covered in Les 1). 

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

Math: Complete pp. 73-75 of Ratio Module.

ELA: Center activities.


The Egypt Game
Moods and Maybes
Vocab and Comprehension Questions
Due Thursday

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

Math: Period 1: in class work
Period 2, Complete last 2 problems of Word Problem handout

ELA: Center activities, either Characterization Worksheet 3, or Conflict Worksheet 2

Brian Bolton
Arrowhead Elementary, DVUSD
Sixth Grade


Period 1 and 4 - Test.  Students were given a study guide last Friday.
Period 2- we are currently working on a test, in class.

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students solved real-world problems using equivalent ratios and tape diagrams.
Homework: Module 1 Lesson 5 Problem Set questions 1-4
Science: The students reviewed the process of convection and demonstrated how convection happens in the atmosphere.
Homework: Read the article "Convection" and answer the 7 questions accompanying the article.

Friday, October 28, 2016


Students were given the Study Guide on Friday (10/28)  On Monday they will have all class period to work on it.  On Tuesday, those students who have completed 100% of the study guide will stay in the classroom to go over the answers.  Those who have not completed 100% of the study guide will work in another room to complete it.  The test is on Wednesday.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: Period 1 and 2: none, completing practice problems in class.

ELA: Center activities all periods.
Period 5: complete Citing Evidence and Making Inference questions handout.

Brian Bolton
Arrowhead Elementary, DVUSD
Sixth Grade

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students learned how to create equivalent ratios when provided with information from a story problem.
Homework: Lesson 4 Problem Set Questions
Science: The students defined convection and observed a convection current.
Homework: answer the questions on FOSS page 29

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Stewart- ELA

No Homework

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students learned how to identify and create equivalent ratios using tape diagrams.
Homework: Lesson 3 Problem Set Questions
Science: The students identified a relationship between temperature and density as a result of our Hot Water/Cold Water Layering Lab.
Homework: Complete your lab report if you are not done AND answer the 2 Think Questions from the article, "Density".

Social Studies

Per 1 and 4- Akhenaton the Bizarre due Wednesday
Per 2- Egyptian Civilization Cloze and Crossword due Wednesday

Monday, October 24, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

Math: none.  Both periods had district Math test today.

ELA: Complete Monday page of Paragraph of the Week if not completed in class.  Also, complete vocabulary from The Ravine.

Brian Bolton
Arrowhead Elementary, DVUSD
Sixth Grade

Peck Math/Science

Math: We identified ratios and practiced writing them in different forms
Homework: Lesson 2 Problem Set Questions
Science: The students completed the hot water challenge and discovered a relationship between density and temperature
Homework: If you have not completed the Density Response Sheet (FOSS page 25), it is due tomorrow.


No POW this week
Due Tuesday- Return to Egypt- vocab and comprehension questions

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

Math: none, handout given on basic ratio work, but most completed in class.

ELA: none, completed paragraph writing practice in class.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

ELA and Math: None

Brian Bolton
Arrowhead Elementary, DVUSD
Sixth Grade

Peck Math/Science

Math: We completed the DVMA Q1 Testing today along with a pretest to assess our skills with ratios
Homework: NONE!
Science: The students performed a lab where they had to successfully layer different colored solutions in a straw.
Homework: Peck's Class: If you did not finish your Investigation 4 Test, you need to complete it tonight for homework!

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

Math: Period 1, none,
Period 2, pp. 68-69 of Ratios Packet.

ELA: Period 4, Complete the Topic and Closing sentence parts of the Paragraph handout.
Period 5, Complete the Paragraph.

Brian Bolton
Arrowhead Elementary, DVUSD
Sixth Grade

Monday, October 17, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

Math: Period 1, From Ratios packet, complete pp. 68 and 69.
Period 2, none.

ELA: Period 4 none
Period 5, complete three details from the "Tuesday" page of the Paragraph of the week handout.

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students reviewed for the upcoming DVMA Quarter 1 Test
Homework: Review Packet
Science: The students completed a notebook quiz in preparation for tomorrow's Investigation 4 Test
Homework: Study your notes for tomorrow's test!

Thursday, October 13, 2016

ELA Stewart

Illustrated Words- Due Friday
Prisoners of Fear- Due Friday

Social Studies

Period 4
p 107

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students reviewed skills taught in Module 2
Homework: Complete the Module 2 Review packet
Science: The students put together a flow map that lays out the steps for how the atmosphere is heated.
Homework: Read the article "Heating the Earth" and answer the 6 questions in complete sentences!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: Test tomorrow on Module 2, Study guide was given.
ELA: Center Activities, District Writing Test tomorrow.

Brian Bolton
Arrowhead Elementary, DVUSD
Sixth Grade

Peck Math/Science

Math: the students corrected the Topic D test if they needed to make corrections.  Otherwise students began reviewing all the skills taught in Module 2.
Homework: None!
Science: The students examined different conductors of heat and described how radiation and conduction work together to heat the atmosphere.
Homework: None!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

Math: Period 1, complete #4 and 5 on Station 4, p. 90
Period 2: Complete LCM handout practice.

ELA: Period 4 took district Reading test today.
Period 5 began center activities.


Hieroglyphic Strips due Wednesday (Most finished in class)
The Eye of Horus: read, highlight, questions due Wed. (Mr Bolton's class only)

Monday, October 10, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

Math: There will be a Math Test on Module 2 on Thursday of this week.
We were reviewing topics today, no homework both classes

ELA: Period 4 Center activities, we will be taking the District Reading Assessment tomorrow.
Period 5, took District Assessment today.


Cursive Packet due on Wednesday
The Egypt Game.  Read "Neferbeth- vocab and questions due Tuesday
No Paragraph of the Week this week
Grades close on Friday


We have been exploring hieroglyphics.  The kids have done a great job!
No homework

Peck Math/Science

Math: We reviewed GCF today and then learned how to find the LCM in a set of numbers.
Homework: LCM worksheet - BOTH sides.
Science: The students performed an experiment that demonstrated the process of conduction.
Homework: Read the article, "Thermometer: A Device to Measure Temperature" and answer the questions.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

ELA: Final Draft of Essay was due today. Scholastic scope was given,  Students should pre-read pp. 18-19 and pp. 24-27.

Math: Packet for decimal division practice was given.  It seems like a lot but much time was given in class, and the division problems are fairly simple.

Brian Bolton
Arrowhead Elementary, DVUSD
Sixth Grade

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students learned divisibility rules in Lesson 17
Homework: Lesson 17 Questions 1-5
Science: The students graphed and analyzed data from yesterday's experiment.
Homework: Graph needs to be completed for tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students identified specific properties of odd and even numbers.
Homework: Lesson 16 Problem Set Questions 1-4
Science: The students performed an experiment to test if different earth surfaces absorb radiant energy at different rates.
Homework: None


Read- Eyelashes and Ceremony

Paragraph of the Week (Narrative)
My most embarrassing moment


Per 1 and 4
2 papers of Hieroglyphics to decode

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Bolton Math and ELA

ELA: second draft, adding transitions to their writing.

Math: Period 1, none.
Period 2, # 1,4,5,10, and 20 of Problem Set for Lesson 13, Division.

Peck Math/Science

Math: the students continued to practice long division and division with decimals
Homework: Lesson 15 Problem Set Questions 1,5,7,9,11,13,15
Science: The students completed the Investigation 3 Assessment
Homework: None!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students practiced more with division of decimals today.
Homework: Module 2 Lesson 14 Problem Set Questions 7-15 ODDS Only
Science: The students completed the Investigation 3 Notebook Quiz in preparation for the Investigation 3 test tomorrow!
Homework: Be sure to prepare for tomorrows test!! Study your binder pages!

Bolton Math and ELA

ELA: none, unless they have not completed their rough draft for their Ana essay.  We discussed the use of Transitions in writing today.  We will revise and add transitions into their essay tomorrow.

Math: Period 1, problem set Lesson 12.
Period 2, did PS Lesson 12 in class.

Social Studies

The Gilt of the Nile worksheet.
Due Wednesday

Monday, September 26, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

Math: none, we took test today covering lessons 9-11.

ELA: Students should complete the rough draft of their "Ana" essay.  This essay is telling how what was important to Ana changed through the story.  Ana is the main character in "The Quinceanera Text".

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students learned strategies to use when dividing decimals.
Homework: Module 2 Lesson 14 Exit Ticket questions
Science: The students reviewed all the reasons for the seasons and what we learned about solar angle.
Homework: Read the article, "Seasons" and answer the questions in complete sentences.

Social Studies

We are beginning our study of ancient Egypt.  Today we worked on a hand-out "The Gift of the Nile", highlighting main idea and supporting details. 
Homework- NONE

Friday, September 23, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

Math: Test on Monday covering lessons 9-11, Converting fractions to decimals and multiplying decimal numbers.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

ELA: Center Activities, Vocabulary/ Spelling Test tomorrow.

Math: All Periods, Decimal Multiplication Handout

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students solved long division problems using the division algorithm along with a tally chart.
Homework: Module 2 Lesson 12 Problem Set Questions ODDS Only
Science: The students graphed and looked at trends regarding latitude and daylight hours around the world.
Homework: FOSS page 11 - Response Sheet  - Respond to the 3 journal entries by the students and explain what they got wrong in their responses. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students worked on using estimation to help with the division algorithm.
Homework: Module 2 Lesson 12 Exit Ticket - 2 Questions find the estimated answer and the actual answer!
Science: The students explored how rotation and revolution affect days, night, and seasons
Homework: None


Literature Study--The Egypt Game
Enter Melanie and Marshall
Vocab and comprehension

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

Math: Problem Set Lesson 9.

ELA: Center Activities.

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students completed the Mid-Module 2 Assessment.
Homework: None!
Science: The students discussed how the earth rotates and revolves and how this affects seasons and daylight hours.
Homework: Read "Wendy's Worldwide Weather Watchers" and answer the 4 Think Questions.
**Please remember that Camp Surf Deposits were due this week!!**

Monday, September 19, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

ELA: new Vocabulary this week reviewed today.  Test on Friday.
Math: Periods 1, Fraction/Decimal conversion 2 page packet (complete page 1 front and back only)

Period 2,
Fraction/Decimal conversion 2 page packet (complete all pages)

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students completed more review practice in preparation for tomorrow's Mid-Module 2 Test!
Homework: Complete and check over the Mid Module Review packet that was given out this morning.
Science: The students compared daylight hours and observed how they change throughout the year.
Homework: Finish the Data Nugget packet if you didn't finish in class today!! 


Literature Study- THE EGYPT GAME
First two chapters- vocab and comprehension questions due Tuesday


Questions on Lesson 2
Due Tuesday

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: Test tomorrow covering lessons 1-8 from Module 2.

ELA: center activities.  Vocabulary spelling test tomorrow.

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students began reviewing division and problem solving skills taught from Lessons 1-11 in module 2
Homework: None!
Science: The students reviewed how to create a claim and justify it with evidence and reasoning.
Homework: None! 
*The students received their test scores from yesterday's Investigation 1-2 Test.  Correct and Return Tests are due Monday Sept. 19th. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students continued to practice multiplication with decimals.
Homework: Lesson 11 Problem Set Questions 1, 2, and 4
Science: The students completed the Investigation 1-2 Assessment
Homework: None!


Tone Worksheet
Due Thursday


Period 1 and 4  Comic Strip Due Thursday
Period 2-comic Strip Due Friday

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

Math: Period 1, p. 35 Lesson 7 Problem Set
Period 2, Problem Set Lesson 8 and Mixed Number conversion handout
Test on Friday covering Lessons 1-8. (both periods)
ELA: Center activity



We are continuing to work on plot development/ sequencing
by creating a comic strip based on The Epic Of Gilgamesh
No homework

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students practiced multiplying decimal numbers.
Homework: Fluency Support Practice Sheet - Even Numbers ONLY
Science: The students completed the Inv. 1-2 Notebook Quiz and began working on the Think Questions for "What's in the Air"?  Inv. 1-2 Test tomorrow!!
Homework: Study Investigation 1-2 notes for the test tomorrow. Complete the Think Questions for the article, "What's in the Air?".

Monday, September 12, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

ELA:  New Vocabulary introduced today.

Math: Period 1, example 3 from p. 34, model in either of the two ways (measurement or partitive)
Period 2, Problem Set from Lesson 7, p. 35

Social Studies

We are working on a comic strip based on The Epic of Gilgamesh.
no homework

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: Lesson 6 Problem Set
ELA: Center Activities.

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students continued to practice changing fractions to decimals to find sums and differences.
Homework: Lesson 9 Problem Set Questions 1a, 1c, 1e.
Science: The students identified the 5 main layers of the atmosphere and began to study properties of the atmosphere.
Homework: Finish coloring and labeling Layers of the Atmosphere Graph

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students learned how to change mixed numbers into decimals today
Homework: Lesson 9 Exit Ticket - 2 Questions
Science: The students reviewed all sections of their lab report in class.
Homework: Lab Reports are due tomorrow!


Social Studies- We worked on our Foldable in class.,
No homework

ELA- Subject pronouns due Thursday
         Find the Theme with Fables
         Due Thursday

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: Lesson 5, p. 25 Example 2 only

ELA: no Vocab Packet this week.  Center activities if not finished in class.  Correcting Sentences (DOL) quiz this week.

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students completed the Topic A Quiz.
Homework: None
Science: The students performed an experiment to test whether air has mass.
Homework: None

Social Studies/ Stewart ELA

We are working on a Foldable (note taking skills) for Les 1 in Ch 4  Mesopotamia
no homework

ELA (Stewart)
Identifying Pronouns
p 132

Thursday, September 1, 2016


Social Studies- Chapter 3 test given today.  Most students did very well.  However, if your child earned less than 70% a parent signature is required.

Stewart ELA- Irony worksheet due Friday **** Weekly Paragraph DUE Friday******

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students changed mixed numbers to improper fractions then divided by a fraction.
Homework: Module 2 Lesson 8 Problem Set Questions 1-4
Science: The students investigated properties of air
Homework: None!

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students learned how to form reciprocals and continued to practice solving word problems by dividing fractions by fractions.
Homework: Lesson 7 Problem Set Questions
Science: The students reviewed the names and functions of weather tools.
Homework: Read the article "Naming Hurricanes" and answer the questions assigned.


Chapter 3 test tomorrow!  Study guide given in class today

Stewart- ELA
no homework

Tuesday, August 30, 2016


Parents need to see and sign the pre-writing of the weekly paragraph

Social Studies

p. 71  1-10
review for test on Thursday

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students practiced division word problems and how to change improper fractions to mixed numbers.
Homework: Complete the worksheets that were handed out at MTSS - Even problems only! (Khan Academy group did not get these worksheets.)
Science: The students were introduced to the 5 main weather instruments we will be using in class.  They also gained information on how hurricanes form.
Homework: None

Monday, August 29, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

Math: Students are making corrections on the Quick Quiz we took on Friday covering lessons 1 and 2.  There will be a lesson that helps on this tomorrow in class if the student wishes to wait on their corrections.
ELA: Students were introduced to their Vocabulary words for this week.  Packet and definitions will be due Friday.

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students practiced solving division word problems and creating their own stories for specific division problems.
Homework: Module 2 Lesson 6 Problem Set Questions 1-11
*We completed 5 of these as a class!
Science: The students got their tests back and set up binders for Weather and Water Investigation 1. We defined Weather and Severe Weather today
Homework: None!


Weekly Paragraph Activity
Please ask your child to show you the blue paper describing this weekly assignment.  Your involvement and signature are required. Due on FRIDAY
Fact and Opinion worksheet- Due Tuesday


Period 1/4  Cornell Notes Due Tuesday
Period 2- Continue in our notebooks
vocabulary due Tuesday.


Thursday, August 25, 2016

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students divided fractions by creating a common denominator.
Homework: Lesson 4 Problem Set questions 1-4
Science: The students completed the Earth Science assessment today.
Homework: None!
Hope to see you all at curriculum tonight at 6:15 in the Library!

Social Studies

Ch 3, Lesson 1
p. 61
Due Friday

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

Math: Periods 1 and 2, Problem Set for Lesson 2, #1-6 on a separate sheet with models.
ELA: Period 4 and 5, Vocabulary packet with definitions due Friday. Period 5 Center activity from today due tomorrow.


Author's Purpose worksheet due Thursday
Scavenger Hunt in class on Wednesday (not homework)
I will be out of the classroom Wednesday afternoon.


No homework.
Tomorrow we will start on Ch 3
Early Humans
Paleolithic and Neolithic Ages

Monday, August 22, 2016

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students practiced dividing fractions with a common denominator.  They also created models to reinforce their division.
Homework: Module 2 Lesson 3 Problem Set questions 1-8
Science: The students reviewed the different theories involved in Plate Tectonics and discovered how the Hawaiian Islands formed.
Homework: None....But we do have a test Thursday!!

Bolton ELA and Math

ELA: Students were given their new Vocabulary packet for this week.  They are to begin defining the words in their notebooks and beginning on the packet.  All are due Friday.  There are 5 extra words this week also.
Math: Period 1, students have just begun on Lesson 2 after checking and discussing lesson 1 homework.  They are to Turn the given question into a division expression, multiplication and a model.(exercise 1)
Period 2, Students are to complete #1, 2, and 3 from p 9 in module 2.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students learned how and when to divide a whole number by a fraction
Homework: Module 2 Lesson 2 Problem Set Questions 1-4 ONLY!
Science: The students learned about Plate Tectonics and the 4 types of Plate Boundaries
Homework: Answer the questions from Big Idea 4 Week 1 Days 3 and 4 in your packet


No Homework

Wednesday, August 17, 2016


Types of Characters worksheet
Due Wednesday

Social Studies

No homework

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students created models that explained how to divide a fraction by a whole number.
Homework: Module 2 Lesson 1 Exit ticket
Science: The students created a model of Gondwanaland based on fossil evidence and land mass shape.
Homework: Finish putting together Gondwanaland if you did not finish in class.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: none today, began Lesson 1 in Module 2
ELA: Period 4, Students should be working on completing Vocabulary Packet, due Friday.  They also have some assignments they are working on in class during Centers time, but are leaving in class.
Period 5, Students should be working on completing Vocabulary Packet, due Friday.  Each student may have an extra assignment related to Characterization or Character Traits depending on which center activity they had in their rotation today.
Each student also has an All Things EQ permission slip to get filled out.

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students completed a pretest for the upcoming Eureka Math Module.
Homework: None!
Science: The students explored Alfred Wegener's theory of continental drift and the evidence found to back it up.
Homework: None!

Monday, August 15, 2016


Characterization worksheet
Due Tuesday

Social Studies

Social Studies
We are working on a Land form packet in  preparation for our Create-a-Continent project.
no homework

Peck - Math/Science

Math: The students completed the District Math Pretest for the 2016-2017 school year.
Homework: None!
Science: The students reviewed the vocabulary and process involved when using the scientific method.
Homework: Complete the fill-in-the-blank portions on the backside of the notes worksheet given which describes the scientific method.

Friday, August 12, 2016


ALL ABOUT ME Newspaper Due on Monday.

Thursday, August 11, 2016


AZ Merit Results sent home today
Look for the Camp Surf informational letter
2 Math worksheets due tomorrow
Curriculum Night is Aug 25th  Not the 20th
6:15- 7:00 in the Library
7:00-7:30 Camp Surf presentation

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Bolton Math and ELA

Today, Look for classroom and school papers to read and sign.

STEWART- Homework

Please sign and return the last page of Mrs. Stewart's letter.
Complete the pink form and sign all appropriate places:  Student Rights and Responsibilities, Directory Information
COPPA Compliance, Notification Re: Confinement Form
We had a great first day!!!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016


Percy Jackson
Ch 12 due Tuesday
Ch 13 due Wed
Ch 14 due Thursday
Ch 15 due Friday

Social Studies

The ABC Books are due on Thursday

Monday, May 16, 2016

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: Test on Topic B of Statistics either Tomorrow or Wednesday depending on Period.  We have Highland Lakes trip tomorrow morning.
ELA: Test on the Giver either Tomorrow or Wednesday depending on period.  We have Band Assembly tomorrow afternoon.

Monday, May 9, 2016


Ch 9 Percy Jackson
Due Tuesday


We are starting  our ABC Book
All class work (so far)

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: Exit Ticket for Lesson 6.
For Period 2, they just need to answer the first question.
Then center activities.
ELA: Center Activities.

Social Studies

We are working on comparing the similarities of:
The Ten Commandments
The Five Pillars of Islam
The Eightfold Path
This is 'in class' work (so far)

Monday, May 2, 2016

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: Exit Ticket for Lesson 5, plus Center Activity
ELA: Center Activity

Peck Math/Science

Math: the students evaluated True and False Number Sentences using equality symbols.
Homework: Lesson 23 Problem Set questions 1-5
Science: The students investigated the structures and behaviors of Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches
Homework: Please complete and turn in your Daily Log Sheet from your Science Fair Packet! Projects were due today!!
**Please be sure to join us for the Arrowhead Science Fair Wednesday May 4th from 6-8 PM!**


Questions 1-5 on p. 264
Due Tuesday

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students identified and solved expressions using multiplication and addition
Homework: Lesson 21 Problem Set
Science: The students identified insect structures and adaptations and used these to make inferences about an insects habitat.
Homework: Finish the Insect Adaptation pages 56/7 in your FOSS Notebook. Questions 1-6 should be complete for tomorrow!
**Science Fair Project Conclusions are due TOMORROW!**

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: Review DVMA Practice Packet for DVMA Benchmark Test tomorrow.  Test will count as test grade for quarter 4.
ELA: Period 4: Figurative Language handout (1-11)
Period 5: Pronoun Case handout (1-15)

Peck Math/Science

Math: the students practiced creating multiplication and division expressions in order to answer real world problems.
Homework: Lesson 20 Problem Set Questions 2 and 4 only
Science: The students began a study of insect structures and adaptations
Homework: None!
**Science Fair Project Conclusions are due Thursday April 28th!**

Camp Surf Journals

This is the journal from the camp.  It says Outdoor Education Journal on it and has all the classes listed inside with specific questions for that class. This is due on Friday and will count as a grade.


Read p. 404-410 The Spread of Islam (ch 14, Les 2)
Answer the 9 questions handed out in class
(bright yellow half sheet)
Due Wednesday

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Peck Math/Science

Math: None!
Science: Keep working on your science fair projects.  Conclusions are due Thursday April 28th!
**The Science Fair is Wednesday May 4th from 6:00-8:00 PM**

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: Period 1 handout on Frequency Tables
Period 2, Problem set for Lesson 3
ELA: Period 4: Handout on Types of Pronouns (Cases)
Period 5, P. 237-238 in Pronoun Packet (Antecedents)

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students reviewed skills learned so far in Module 4 in preparation for the Mid-Module 4 Assessment.
Homework: Complete the review if you are not done yet!
Science: The students finished the Rocky Shores packet and graded in class.
Homework: Those students who did not finish Rocky Shores need to complete it tonight!


Tijuana Estuary Packet
Due Thursday

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: Statistics Module Problem Set 1
ELA: Period 4 none
Period 5 Complete pp. 230-231 in Pronoun Packet.

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students completed an assessment that tested their understanding of Module 4 Topics D/E
Homework: None!
Science: The students learned about tides and the 4 Inter-tidal Zones
Homework: Complete questions 1-10 AT LEAST from The Rocky Shores Packet.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: None
ELA: Period 4, Complete p. 230 in Pronoun Packet
Period 5, Complete p. 228-229 in Pronoun Packet

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students evaluated equivalent expressions and reviewed distributive property.
Homework: Complete Problem Sets 11 and 12
Science: The students completed an Open Notes Test on Plant Reproduction and were introduced to Inter-Tidal Zones in preparation for Camp Surf
Homework: None!

Stewart- ELA

Ch 3
Percy Jackson
due Tuesday



Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

Math: Students can review the "Practice Test" packet or other practice packets to prepare for AZMerit testing Wed. and Thur. of this week.

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students spent one last day reviewing for AZ Merit.  They have a packet for practice that we will go over after the Reading Test tomorrow. 
Homework: Complete the AZ Merit Math Practice
Science: the students learned about the benefits of seed dispersal. 
Homework: None
**Continue to work on your Science Fair Projects.  Pay attention to ALL Due Dates!**
**Please turn in Camp Surf Packets as soon as possible.  If you are not attending Camp Surf, please bring in your letter that states if you will be at school or staying home during those days.**

Monday, April 4, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

ELA: Practice AZMerit Reading Test
Math: Period 1 none
Period 2: make sure and complete rest of practice test before we go over in class.

Peck Math/Science

 Math: The students reviewed previously learned skills in preparation for Wednesday and Thursday's AZ Merit Math tests.
Homework: None
Science: The students reviewed flower reproduction and read the article "Flowers and Seeds".
Homework: Finish Think Questions from the article, "Flowers and Seeds".

**Science Fair Project Proposals are due tomorrow, Tuesday April 5th**

Friday, April 1, 2016

Chaperone meeting

Wednesday 5:30-6:30
Mrs. Stewart's room
(rm 48)

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

All 6th grade students are taking the Writing portion of AZMerit tomorrow.
Math: Period 2 was given the assignment to complete the practice test for Expressions and Equations.
ELA: period 5 has pronoun packet p. 226 with special instructions. (Only point out the Objects of the Prepositions by writing O.P. above them.  Any that are not already a pronoun should be replaced with an appropriate objective pronoun.)

Peck Math/Science

Math: the students reviewed the first 14 questions from a practice test in preparation for AZ Merit.
Homework: Complete questions 15-28 for tomorrow's review
Science: The students reviewed the pollination/reproduction process of a plant and completed a response sheet and video questions.
Homework: Continue working on Water Molecule stories and preparing your science project proposals. Water Molecule stories are due Monday April 4th and Science Project Proposals are due Tuesday April 5th.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students reviewed surface area of different prisms and completed a practice test for AZ Merit.
Homework: Please have questions 1-14 completed from the Smarter Balanced test for tomorrow so we can review.
Science: The students discussed the reproductive structures on plants and went through the steps of pollination and plant reproduction. 
Homework: Continue working on your water molecule stories.  These are due Monday April 4th.  

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Bolton Math and ELA

ELA: develop a plan for an argument essay given the provided prompt and resources.
Math: Period 1, Simple one-step equations using inverse operations
Period 2 none

Stewart ELA

Practice AZMerit Test 1-10
due Wednesday
Percy Jackson
Ch 1 Vocab due Wednesday

Social Studies

p. 391
1-6  Due at the end of class on Wednesday

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students reviewed Surface Area and Equivalent Expressions today.
Homework: Packet pages 172 and 174 only
Science: The students dissected a flower and identified reproductive structures inside.
Homework: continue working on your Water Molecule Story.  We will have time to work on stories tomorrow.
**Science Project Proposals are due Tuesday April 5th!**

Monday, March 28, 2016


Ch 13. Les 2 worksheet
with one journal entry from Contantine's POV (p. 382)

Peck Math/Science

Math: the students reviewed Ratios, Unit Rate, and Percents in class today.
Homework: Complete the Percentage Problems on p. 26 of the AZ Merit Practice Packet that was handed out earlier.
Science: The students began a writing assignment today that requires them to share their knowledge of the water cycle and transpiration in a story where they describe their adventure AS a water molecule.
Homework: Writing Assignments are due Monday April 4th
**Remember that Science Fair Project Proposals are due Tuesday April 5th!** 
(Packets were handed out on Monday March 14th.)

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

Math: Powers and Exponents and Orders of Operation pages, pp. 34-35 (2-34 evens, but can skip 8, 26, 28, 30, and 32) and p. 39 (2-26 evens)
ELA: none


The Rise of Christianity worksheet due Thursday
(both sides)

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

ELA: Period 4: none
Period 5, Complete p. 224, in Pronoun Grammar Packet, Pronouns as Predicate Nominatives
Math: Period 1 and 2, complete Mean, Median, Mode handout


Pronoun Identification
p. 133

Social Studies

Ch 13, Lesson 1- The Rise of Christianity
Quiz worksheet
Questions 1-7 on the back

Monday, March 14, 2016

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students completed a review on surface area, volume, and coordinate geometry.  They began a review on ratios, rate, unit rate, and percent.
Homework: Module 1 Practice packet
Science: The students were presented with information regarding the upcoming science fair.
Homework: None

Bolton ELA and Math

ELA: Period 4, none
Period 5, p. 223 in Pronoun Packet; Grammar.
Math: Read through pp. 177-178, then Complete p. 179 in Statistics Packet.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: Test on Module 3 tomorrow.
ELA: none

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students reviewed Mean Absolute Deviation and Surface Area today. We also began practicing coordinate geometry.
Homework: Buckle down pages 163-165 Problems 1-25
Science: We talked about the Water Cycle and began exploring the concept of Transpiration.
Homework: None

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students learned how to calculate surface area in rectangular and triangular prisms
Homework: Buckle Down Practice pages 159-160
Science: The students completed the Investigation 5 Assessment
Homework: None!

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: Period 1 and 2, Study Guide for Module 3.
Period 2 Also, complete pp 163-165 and 168-169 in Geometry Packet
ELA: Study for Prefix/Suffix quiz tomorrow.

ELA- Stewart

Identifying Theme
Proof with text evidence
Due Thursday

Monday, March 7, 2016

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: Period 1: Completed Lesson 19 and gave pp. 163-165 and pp. 168-169 in Geometry Packet.
Period 2: Handout on Reflections on the Coordinate Plane Practice.
ELA: Complete Prefix and Suffix Review Pages.

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students reviewed skills taught in statistics and probability.
Homework: Practice Test problems 1-23 on pages 202-205
Science: The students reviewed concepts taught about seeds and roots.  They have a small assessment tomorrow!
Homework: Read the "Seeds and Roots" article and answer the 9 questions.


Social Studies TEST has been moved to Wednesday!!!
(Fun Run on Thursday)
Study Guides were given out early (last Friday)

Friday, March 4, 2016

Social Studies

TEST Thursday, March 10th
Ancient Greece and Rome
(study guide given Friday)

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

Math: Period 1: Problem Set Lesson 18
Period 2: None
ELA: Complete center activities, There will be a quiz on Literary Analysis terms(from this week's centers) on Monday.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: Period 1, handout for reflection of given points.
Period 2, Complete Exercise 1 from p. 70 in Lesson 18
ELA: Center Activities.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

Math: Period 1: Lesson 16, p. 61 Exercise, complete chart.
Period 2, Lesson 17, Problem Set
ELA: Center Activities

Monday, February 29, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

Math: Periods 1 and 2, handout on Coordinate Grid and Ordered Pairs.
ELA: Reviewing this week  For Literary Analysis Terms.  Test on Friday on Lit. Analysis Vocabulary.  Students have center activities for Theme, Inference, Conflict or All Vocab Review.  Also, They should be completing final Crossword in Prefix/Suffix Packet.

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students learned the Order of Operations and practiced solving equations using PEMDAS.
Homework: Lesson 6 Problem Set
Science: The students set up an experiment to discover what happens next after a seed begins to germinate.
Homework: None


Spelling Packet given Monday- due Friday
ELA Essay "Thank You, Ma'am"  Final copy due Tuesday


Slips (bright orange) went home today with the remaining balance due for Camp Surf. 
The due date is Friday. March 4th.
Thank you!!

Social Studies

Crossword Due Tuesday
Both sides :)

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: Quiz tomorrow covering lessons 6-13 of Module 3
ELA: All center work due.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: Period 1, Lesson 13 Problem Set
Period 2, Lesson 11 Problem Set
ELA: Center Activities for Period 4
Period 5, The Giver Questions for chapters 9-10

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students began Module 4 today and breezed through the first 3 lessons.
Homework: Problem Set/Exit Ticket for Lesson 3
Science: We finished presentations of the cell models today and reviewed for the test tomorrow.
Homework: Study for the Investigation 4 Test tomorrow!! 
*Late Cell Model Projects are losing 5% points per day!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: Period 1: Problem Set Lesson 12 and P. 158-160 in Geometry Packet
Period 2: in class work
ELA: Center Activities.

Social Studies

SS1 and SS4- Lesson 1 questions due on Wed
SS2- will work on this in class tomorrow

Monday, February 22, 2016

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: Period 1, Problem Set Lesson 11
Period 2: None, in class work
ELA: Center activities, different for each student., Also, some needing to finish "Thank You Ma'am" Essay
Period 5, none except for those needing to finish "Thank You Ma'am" Essay

Stewart- ELA

Beginning work on the Character Development Essay
No homework.

Social Studies

Matching Game- includes both Greek and Rome

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Bolton Math and ELA

ELA: Final Draft of Character Development Essay
Math: Period 1 Problem Set for Lesson 10
Same from Wednesday
Tomorrow is Greek and Roman Day

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

Math: Period 1: none today
Period 2, Geometry Packet, p. 146-147 (#10-16) area of irregular shape practice
ELA: Students should be working on rough draft of Character Development Essay.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

ELA: Period 5, begin Character development essay
Period 4, none, did not meet today.
Math: Period 1: Problem Set for Lesson 9.
Period 2, complete area of triangles handout.

Peck Math/Science

Math: the students completed a review of the skills covered in Module 3
Homework: Complete review packet in preparation for tomorrow's test
Science: The students reviewed the 9 organelles from the cell we learned about last week.
Homework: Be prepared to work on your cell in class this week! 
  • Bolton's class will work on their cells Wednesday! 
  • Stewart and Peck's Class will work on cells in class on Thursday!


No homework this week as we are furiously getting ready for Greek and Roman Day.
Remember, every student must wear a costume that day.
We can always use parent volunteers for the feast and Olympics.  Let your homeroom teacher know.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students analyzed how to scale a coordinate plane to accommodate the ordered pairs.
Homework: Problem Set 17;  Some students will also need to complete Problem Set 16
Science: The students will be receiving information about the Cell Model project tomorrow or Wednesday!
Homework: None

Social Studies

Ch 11
Lesson 3
Quiz with page numbers
Due Tuesday

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: Period 1, Complete Problem Set for Lesson 5
Period 2: none, in middle of lesson 5
ELA: Complete Prefix study sheet

Peck Math/Science

Math: the students identified patterns with symmetry of ordered pairs and the coordinate plane.
Homework: Complete the chart in Lesson 16
Science: The students gathered evidence that humans are made up of cells
Homework: None


We also need help with the feast and the Olympics
Let your homeroom teacher know if you can come!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

Math: period 1, Problem Set 1 of Mod. 3
Period 2, none
ELA: Handout on critiquing (grading) student responses on Evidence and Elaboration.

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students were introduced to the four quadrants on a coordinate grid today and practiced identifying ordered pairs and plotting them on the coordinate grid. 
Homework: Lesson 14 Problem Set
Science: The students were guided through a review of Investigation 3 in preparation for tomorrow's test.
Homework: Study your notes and FOSS pages for tomorrow's test.

Social Studies

Foldable - Punic Wars
Due Tuesday
p. 316

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

Math: Test tomorrow on Module 2
ELA:  All center work from week is due.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students practiced identifying absolute value and magnitude and how they are used in real world situations.
Homework: Module 3 Lesson 13 Problem Set
Science: The students learned the difference between single-celled and multicellular organisms.  They also attempted to view a paramecium eating under the microscope.
Homework: None!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

Math: Same as Mondays assignments,  we took district quarter 2 test today.
ELA: Center activities. Weekly focus is TONE in writing.

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students learned about absolute value and magnitude.
Homework: Lesson 12 Exit ticket
Science: the students discussed cells from an Elodea plant and observed Paramecia cells today.
Homework: None!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

Math: Period 1, p. 76 (complete letters a,b,and c) Period 2, p. 75, complete exploratory challenge 1.  ALSO, District Test tomorrow.  Students should review practice problems.
ELA: center activities and chapters 7-8 from The Giver this week.


Quiz 8-3 and 8-4 (with page number of where answer was found)

Stewart ELA

Spelling packet #27
DUE Friday

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

Math: p. 69 in module 2
ELA: Center activities, all due tomorrow, including ch. 5 and 6 from The Giver.

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students identified least and greatest when working with rational numbers on a number line.
Homework: Problem Sets 7 AND 8
Science: The students learned how to determining the field of view and focal plane when viewing images under a microscope.
Homework: None


Newspaper Front Page
DUE Friday at the end of class

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

Math: none
ELA: Center activities, read chapters 5 and 6 with handout of the Giver, due Friday.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

Math: Period 1 "Player B" sheet, Period 2 "Player A" sheet, these are sheets in their modules following lesson 15.  They have no page numbers (practicing decimal division)
ELA: Center Activities also, All students should be reading The Giver Chapters 5 and 6 this week with handout for each. 

Peck Math/Science

Math: Students completed the Topic A Quiz from Module 3 - They did really well overall!!
Homework: None
Science: The students identified the main parts of a light microscope and how to handle them safely.
Homework: None
***Camp Surf deposits are due for January if you have not already paid!***



Requirements: read p 230-241

Masthead (the name of your paper)

News of the Day (think historical event)

Tech News (think Science, Math)

Sports (think Olympic results)

Arts and Entertainment (Greek Drama?)

Famous Person (introduction w/ details, importance to Greece)

One advertisement or menu (use laptops for more info)

Friday, January 15, 2016


Ch 8 Lesson 2 Quiz
Most students finished in class and turned it in to the box.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Bolton math and ELA

ELA: All centers due tomorrow, including The Giver Ch. 3-4 handout
Math: Handout on decimal devision (1-12)

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students worked on a review packet that covered Module 1 and 2 Topics.  This review is in preparation for the DVMA Quarter 2 Assessment we will be taking tomorrow!
Homework: The packet will be awarded a completion grade.  Students must attempt ALL problems.
Science: The students recorded their 48 hour observations and worked on an article titled "Life on Earth".
Homework: Complete the Think Questions associated with the article.  Complete Sentences!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: p. 52 and 53 (1-6) division practice
ELA: Center activities, read chapter 4 of the Giver

Peck Math/Science

Math: the students learned the difference between integers and other rational numbers. We also worked on recording fractional quantities on a number line.
Homework: Lesson 6 Problem Set
Science: The students recorded observations of their mystery materials for signs of life. We also defined some key terms from Investigation 1
Homework: None!


Greek Philosophers:
Vocab and Matching Greek Ideas to Modern Ideas
The Meaning of Life paragraph
Due Friday

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: period 1 p. 47-49 (1-4) division problems
Period 2 p.46-47 Example 1 and 2
ELA: Center activities (Focus this week is Inferences)

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students learned how to find the opposite of the opposite of an integer and how to write this as an equation.
Homework: Lesson 5 Problem Set
Science: The students set up aquatic environments for 5 mystery materials to determine if they were living.
Homework: None
**Camp Surf Deposits are due Thursday!


Spelling Packet
words with com- and con-
Packet due Friday
TEST Friday

Social Studies

Packet on Lesson 1- Ch 8
Due Wednesday

Monday, January 11, 2016

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: none, took test today on Lessons 1-11
ELA: Center activities.




P. 91 in the textbook
Greek Suffix -ize
Due Tuesday

Social Studies

Your drawing is due on Tuesday.
(no class time given)

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Stewart- ELA

Spelling Packet due on Friday
Test Friday

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Stewart- ELA

The Mixer by PG Wodehouse
p. 90  1-7
 Analyzing the Text
(must show support with evidence from the text)
Spelling= Lesson 29
Suffixes -ance and -ence
Homework Packet and Test on Friday

Social Studies

Review of Chapter 7
worksheets/ short answer
Due Thursday

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Bolton ELA and Math

ELA: We began center activities Monday.  Different students may have different activities from the following four.
(1) Close Reader, read pp. 13-16, turn in Short Response from p. 16; 2) Grammar Sentence Writing with Vocabulary handout; 3) Vocabulary definitions; 4) Theme Worksheet 2)
Math: Period 1 Decimal Multiplication Practice handout.
Period 2 none

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students learned how to identify the opposite of a number and practice placing positive/negative numbers on a number line. 
Homework: Module 3 Lesson 1 Problem Set
Science: The students began identifying characteristics that all living things share
Homework: None

Social Studies

The Great Gods
worksheet/crossword puzzle
Due Wednesday

Monday, January 4, 2016

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: Complete Adding/Subtracting Mixed Numbers by converting to Decimals handout.
ELA: We began center activities today.  Different students may have different activities from the following four.
(1) Close Reader, read pp. 13-16, turn in Short Response from p. 16; 2) Grammar Sentence Writing with Vocabulary handout; 3) Vocabulary definitions; 4) Theme Worksheet 2)

Brian Bolton
Arrowhead Elementary, DVUSD
Sixth Grade

Social Studies

Greek Temple Due Tuesday
*Doric, Ionic or Corinthian columns
*God or Goddess
*G/G name in Greek