Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students compared unit rates using ratios, tables, and graphs to answer story problems.
Homework: Lesson 19 Problem Set
Science: The students collected data on how solar radiation affected the temperature of 4 different earth materials by observing the temperature differences during 15 minutes in the sun and 15 minutes in the shade.
Homework: None

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: Lesson 14 Exit Ticket, back side of p. 61.
ELA: Handout on Figurative Language, both sides due tomorrow.

Stewart/Miller SS & Math

Social Studies:  Students answered Challenge Questions using their Cornell Notes.  Students used primary source material to create a comic strip.  The strip is to be completed Wednesday.  No HW tonight.
Math:  Students graded Lessons 16 and 17.  Students took the mid-module test.  There is no HW.
Picture re-takes are scheduled for Tuesday Oct 7th.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: Problem set Lesson 13 p. 55-56, Their will be a quiz this week on lessons 11-15
ELA: Rewrite your Exposition beginning with your chosen Lead, Highlight where you introduce the main character BLUE, describe the setting ORANGE, and establish the conflict GREEN

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students learned how to find rate by dividing two quantities. 
Homework: Problem Set 18
Science: The students prepared an experiment to find out if the type of earth surface effects how air is heated.
Homework: None!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: complete exercise 3.a. from lesson 13, p. 53
ELA: students should write 5 new leads for their narrative.  They had more than enough time in class to complete.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: Lesson 12 Problem Set
ELA: Continuing rough draft.  Revising in the classroom.  No homework tonight unless the student did not complete their rough draft in the first place.

Stewart/Miller Social Studies & Math

Social Studies:  Continued with BBC video series.  Introduced Cornell Notes--practiced on article Sargon the Conqueror.  Will finish Friday, No HW.
Math:  Graded Lesson 15, Started Lesson 16.  No HW, but most will need to study for a Quiz Re-do.  The Re-do will be Friday.

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students completed a mid-module assessment from the Engage NY curriculum.  Overall the scores were fantastic!
Homework: None!
Science: The students reviewed the factors that cause seasons and how solar angle affects the heating of the earth.
Homework: Study the factors that cause season and the Investigation 3 definitions in preparation for the Investigation 3 Test! Be prepared to write a well organized paragraph that explains three big reasons for why we have seasons!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: none
ELA: students are starting their rough draft after finishing their FLOW MAP.  They should try to have it finished for sharing.

Stewart/Miller Social Studies & Math

Social Studies:  Today we graded and collected the Active Reading article on "The Stairway to Heaven" and took notes on the next two parts of the BBC Video.  There is no HW for Thursday.
Math:  Today we took a Lesson 12-15 Quiz.  Lesson 15 did not get graded today, so will be due Thursday.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: none: We are in the middle of lesson 12: Introduction to Double Number Lines
ELA: Students should map out their narrative in their journals using the given handout.

Peck Math/Science

Math: the students completed more review in preparation for the Mid-Module quiz tomorrow.
Homework: Finish Lessons 6/7 in the review packet
Science: The students learned how solar angle affects the amount of sun's energy that hits the earth.
Homework: Read the Seasons article and answer the 10 questions in complete sentences! 

Monday, September 22, 2014

Stewart/Miller Social Studies & Math

Social Studies:  Guided Reading with Challenges (Questions) will be graded Tuesday.  Students will have no more than 10 minutes of class time to finish.  Some will need to work on for HW.  Started a six-part video series on Mesopotamia.  Students took and shared notes in their spiral notebooks.
Math:  Lesson 14 Plotting Ratios on a Coordinate Grid.  Problem Set and Exit Ticket for HW due Tuesday.

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students reviewed skills taught in the first module to ensure a clear understanding of ratios, equivalent ratios and strategies to solve problems using ratios.
Homework: Complete Lesson 2-5 in the Review Lessons Packet
Science: The students gathered data comparing lines of latitude and daylight hours during the winter and summer solstice.
Homework: Finish the graphs where we plotted the  latitude/daylight hours data for winter and summer solstice.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Bolton Math and ELA

ELA: All centers due tomorrow.
Math: p. 45, complete letter b. Be sure to explain the method you used to determine which person had the stronger taste and weaker taste for juice. Quiz tomorrow on lessons 1-10, Study guide given earlier in the week.

Stewart/Miller Social Studies & Math

Social Studies:  Today we graded the Vocabulary and Guided Reading Wksheet.  We started Active Reading an article on the Dawn of Civilization.  HW is to study for the 1.2 Quiz.
Math: Lesson 12 HW was graded and collected.  Lesson 13 was presented, and Problem Set and Exit Ticket are HW.
Camp Surf deposit was due today.  Several students asked to turn in Friday.  I need to deposit tomorrow.  $50.00 now, next payment is November 13.

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students mastered the skill of graphing a ratio and using strategies to answer real-world problems.
Homework: Problem Set for Lesson 15
Science: The students created a Sun-Earth Model that demonstrates how the earth revolves and the Earth's tilt causes seasons.
Homework: None
Susan Peck
6th Grade Language Arts/Science
Arrowhead Elementary
Student Council Co-Sponsor

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: none
ELA: Continue Centers.  Students have been exploring describing setting in class.  In centers, students have been exploring Point of View and Character Traits.

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students learned how to use ratio tables to plot data on a coordinate graph. 
Homework: Lesson 14 Problem Set
Science: The students created a bar graph that showed the relationship between months and hors of daylight.
Homework: Read the article Wendy's Worldwide Weather Watchers and complete the 4 Think questions.  Some questions require more than one response so be careful.
*Correct and Return Tests are due tomorrow.  Parent Signature required!
*$50 Camp Surf Deposits are due tomorrow! Make checks out to Arrowhead Elementary.

Stewart/Miller Social Studies & Math

Social Studies:  We started reviewing the Note-Taking packet.  Several need to finish.  This was not considered HW, but it was expected to be ready to use today.  Tonight's HW is Vocabulary and Guided reading wksheet pages 29 and 32, due Thursday.
Math:  We finished Lesson 12 and the Problem Set and Exit Ticket are considered HW due Thursday.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: Problem Set Lesson 10, p. 42. Quiz on Friday. Study guide given in class today.

Stewart/Miller Social Studies & Math

Social Studies:  Review Questions (HW) was collected.  We started Active Reading Note-Taking packet for pages 17-23.  This was not intended for HW, however students were encouraged to make a decision: "Will I be able to finish in class on Wednesday, or should I do a couple of pages at home tonight?"
Math:  Much of the period was spent checking and discussing Lesson 11 HW.  We started Lesson 12, but not enough to assign the HW.

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students learned how to create equations using ratio tables.
Homework: Lesson 13 Problem Set questions 1-6
Science: The class discussed what causes seasons and began calculating daylight hours for the 12 months of the year.
Homework: Correct and Returns from the Investigations 1-2 Test are due Thursday September 18th.  Parent Signatures are required in order to improve your grade!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Stewart/Miller Social Studies & Math

Social Studies:  Today we partner read Mesopotamia Chapter 1.2 (pages 16-23)  Review Questions 1-5 were to be completed with the same partner, but Question 6 was to be completed individually.  Unfinished work was considered HW.
Math:  Mid Module assessments were returned.  Late and missing assignments were attached.  Poor scores are to be fixed, with a parent signature, and returned before Friday the 19th.  We started Lesson 11 over, and the Problem Set and Exit Ticket are HW due Tuesday.
Camp Surf payment is due this week.  Please send $50.00 by Thursday.  Next payment is due in November.

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students conquered the challenge of solving problems with double-line graphs and ratios.
Homework: Problem Set from Lesson 12
Science: The students completed a test on Investigations 1-2
Homework: None
Book Orders due September 22nd!  Camp surf Payment of $50 due Thursday September 18th.  Please make checks out to Arrowhead Elementary.

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: Problem Set Lesson 9

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Peck Math/Science

Math: We began Lesson 12 which explores the use of number line diagrams to solve real world problems.
Homework: None
Science: The students took a notebook quiz in preparation for the Investigation 1-2  Test on Monday
Homework: If you did not complete the Notebook Quiz it becomes homework.  Please turn this in to me tomorrow, even if I do not see you!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: Problem Set for Lesson 7, P. 28
ELA: Centers due by Friday

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students compared multiple ratio tables to solve problems.
Homework: Letter C in the exercise section of Lesson 11
Science: The students examined the different layers of the atmosphere and how the composition and density of air changes in the 5 layers,
Homework: Read the article "What is in the Air" and answer the two thinking questions.  Please use complete sentences and a separate sheet of paper!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: students should complete p. 25 Exercise 1 from Binder.
ELA: Centers.  One center this week is a test on giving a central idea and supporting it with text evidence.  Our other focus this week is beginning narrative writing by creating a character sketch.

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students identified patterns in ratio tables that helped them solve problems.
Homework: Lesson 10 Exit ticket/Problem Set
Science: The students gained a better understanding of our atmosphere and explored the gases found in our atmosphere.
Homework: None - Band Students need to try and answer the 5 Atmosphere Questions using the science book.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: Lesson 6 Problem Set, p. 23.  Students had quite a bit of time in class to complete.
ELA: none.  Next week is quiz on Central Ideas and Supporting Details with Text Evidence.  Questions will come from "Unbroken" in their Scholastic Scope.  Students were informed of this during this week.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students practiced creating equivalent ratio tables and using the information to solve word problems.
Homework: Lesson 9 Problem Set/Exit Ticket
Science: The students conducted an experiment to determine if air has mass.
Homework: None

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: Lesson 6 Exercises 2-4
ELA: Centers and WTW

Peck Math/Science

Math - The students identified the value of a ratio and created equivalent ratios to solve word problems.
Homework: Lesson 8 Exit ticket and Problem Set Questions
Science: The students defined mass and weight and debated as to whether air has mass or weight.
Homework: None

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Bolton Math and ELA

Math: Lesson 5 Problem Set, p. 19
ELA: Students are beginning their first Words Their Way list (Group 1 today) other groups will follow tomorrow and Thursday.  Otherwise, center activities given today.
There will be a quiz next week on Stating a Central Idea and Supporting with Details.

Peck Math/Science

Math: The students learned how to identify the value of a ratio  as a fraction.
Homework: Lesson 7 Problem Set and Exit Ticket
Science: The students are identifying the properties of air and how they relate to weather.
Homework: None
*Book orders are due tomorrow!